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*I don't know how many months later...*

*Jena's POV*

 I rolled over on the empty bed, lost in my thoughts.It was December 13, I was nine months exactly today. I carefully got up off the bed, and walked out to the hall. Harry was in the kitchen, I could hear him  talking to Lou. 

El walked out of their room, rubbing her eyes, smiling when she saw me. She went to give me a hug, but just as I leaned forward, I felt a pulling sensation in my stomach, gasping when I looked down.

*Lou's POV*

Harry was talking to me about his mum, who had had to go back home a couple months ago, she was planning on coming back up today with Gemma. I took a sip of my tea and heard a gasp from upstairs.

"Guys! Her water just broke!"

Harry sprinted out of the kitchen and up the stairs, reappearing in recoed time with Jena in his arms and El on his heels. I grabbed the keys and ran out of the house, starting the car and speeding towards the hospital once the doors were closed. El was shotgun, calling everyone while Jena was in the back cursing to her hearts content. 

"Shit Fuck Damn Bitch Hoe Slut Cunt-"

"Jena!!Stop it!" Harry intervened. He never really liked it when she cursed, and this was a little much.

"You try having a fucking thing in your stomach demanding to come out! I di- AhhhFuck!!"

I pulled up in front of the hospital and Harry jumped out of the car, with Jena in his arms still blabbering about something or other. I found a parking space and turned to face El.Taking a deep breath,"Ready for the madness?"

*Harry's POV*

As soon as I entered the door, everything had become a blur, all I knew was that Jena and I were in a hospital room, and she was in pain. At he moment, she was experiencing a cntraction, which were becoming more and more frequent. She squeezed my hand, digging her fingernails into my skin. I yelped a little, and she turned around, growling at me.

"Don't act like your fucking hurting."she snarled.

I gulped,"Sorry babe.."

The docter came to her side, "She should be here any minute now Mrs. Styles."

She smiled in relief and joy before another painful look came across her face.

"I'm going to need you to push hun."

"Shut the fuck up and go to hell." she yelled to the docter.

Keelee, who was also in the room started laughing, I had to hide my amusement or she might claw my skin off.

She sent Keelee a look before turning back to the docter."Whatever you say bitch."

My eyes widened, this pregnancy hormone thing was hysterical!

*Jena's POV*

"JUst one more push Jena!I see the head!"

"That's what you fucking said last timne!"

"JUst push once more please."

I gave in and put my everything into it, collapsing back onto the bed. The sound of crying filled the room and then then sleep took over.

Someone was shaking me."Jena"

I groaned, opening my eyes to see a smiling Harry standing over me.

"Do you want to see Darcy?"

I nodded, forcing myself to sit up. He placed a bundle of cloth in my arms, and my breath caught in my throat. I felt tears streaming down my face as I looked at my gorgous daughter.

"She looks like you Haz."

"No, she's got your blue eyes."

I looked up and smiled, everything was perfect. 

Okay guys!This is the last chapter of Broken Little Bird, BUT I will be posting the first chapter of the sequel later tonight!!! And I can't believe my LouBear is twenty-one....

Love Riee

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