Chapter 3

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You shuffled around you apartment, packing the different snacks Aria had requested.

"Yes, I have the oranges, chocolate chip cookies and jello cups. Did you girls want anything else?" You said, wedging your phone between your shoulder and ear. Seconds of silence lingered as you swung the cooler bag over your shoulder and put your shoes on.

"No, that's more than enough Aunty y/n. Are you sure you want to come to the studio? You'll just be sitting in the dance room watching us rehearse the choreography a thousand times," Aria said.

"Of course I want to come. It's my one free day off, I want to see you in your element. I'll be catching the bus soon, okay?"

"Okay, stay safe Aunty."

"I will. Practice hard. I love you."

"I love you too." Aria hung up the call and you headed out your door and down the elevator. You stepped out into the sidewalk and was caught off guard by the sudden gust of wind.

"Aish. It's so cold. Good thing I'm catching the bus." You hurriedly walked to the bus stop and waited for the bus to arrive.

Sometime later, you arrived at the company building and made your way to the practice room. You snuck in quietly, hoping not to distract the group from practice and sat on the couches in the back corner of the room. After a few more runs, the group was dismissed for a break and Aria trudged her way towards you. She sat on the couch next to you and slumped her body on to your lap. You wiped away the sweat from her forehead with a tissue.

"Aigoo, you're working so hard Aria dear," you said, rubbing her back. She nodded her head as she sat up to take a sip of water from her water bottle.

"Oh, hello! You must be Aria's aunty," said a young girl around Aria's age.

"Aria talks about you all the time. You are as pretty as she said," another girl said. You giggled as you bowed your head to them.

"Oh, Aunty y/n, this is Yeeun and Ara. They're trainees with me too," Aria said, gesturing to them. They bowed to you and you bowed your head again.

"It's so nice to meet you girls. I have snacks in this cooler bag, help yourselves. I'm going to go to the restroom really quick but I'll be right back," you said, flashing a smile at them. The girls sat on the floor as you headed out the door and down the hall. You turned the corner, bumping into a man's chest.

"I'm so sorry," you said, looking up really quickly.

"You again," Kun said, smirking at you. "Is this how we're always going to keep running into each other?" You laughed as you bit your lip. Kun stood there analyzing you before speaking up again.

"Are you here to watch Aria rehearse?" He asked. You nodded your head, tucking your hands into your jean pocket.

"It was my only day off so I wanted to come see her. But it seems like she's busier than me." Kun chuckled, his eyes still locked on yours.

"Yes, the good 'ol trainee days. I heard her mother was an exceptional dancer and father was a musical theatre professor in university. Did the musical talent run in the family?"

"Oh no no no. Definitely not," you said, shaking your head violently. "I have not a single ounce of musical talent in my body. I did however like to play dress-up with my sister's costumes so I started my own doll company back in New York and wrote stories and fairytales about them." Kun laughed, taking a step closer. His face was now inches from yours and you could feel the warmth of his body against yours. His eyes darkened as they peered into yours.

"That's cute," he said, in a low voice. Your breathe hitched and you stumbled, taking a step backward. You gathered yourself and tucked your hair behind your ear.

"Well, I have to get back to rehearsals. I hope you're coming to the concert." Kun raised an eyebrow as he pursed his lips. You sighed as you allowed your lips to curl upwards.

"I wouldn't miss it," you said.

"Great." And with that, Kun winked at you and headed back into the dance room. You continued walking to the bathroom, mentally slapping yourself with every step.

Really y/n, you thought to yourself.  

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