Chapter 7

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"Hold on, I'm getting a call," you said, lifting the phone from your ear to see who it was. You rolled your eyes and put the phone back to your face as you pushed the glass entrance door open. "It's just Kun. This is probably the tenth call I've gotten this week. He doesn't stop."

"Did he break up with you?" May asked. You heard her chomping on some food from the other end.

"Yes? I mean, he was going to but didn't get to say the actual words 'we're breaking up' because I was standing on the other side of the door."

"He probably feels bad. That was such a low move." You hailed a cab and got in before continuing your conversation.

"Yeah, well I told him not to contact me. I'm close to just blocking him." May hummed from her end before falling silent.

"Maybe you should hear him out," she said hesitantly. You pursed your lips, giving the idea some thought.

"Maybe eventually, but not any time soon. It hurt, you know?"

"I know." The cab pulled up to your destination and you smiled at the driver as you got out.

"Okay, May. I'm at the cafe so I'll talk to you later. Take care!" You hung up and hurried into the cafe. You quickly spotted Aria as she sat patiently at a table. Her face lit up when she saw you.

"Aunty y/n! How are you?" She asked, her eyes following you as you sat across from her.

"I'm great. Did you order? Pick anything you want." Aria placed her order and you as well. When the waitress left, you looked back at Aria and smiled.

"So, what's new? Tell me what you're working on now."


You held the door open for Aria as she stepped out of the cafe. She linked arms with you as you guys walked back to her building. The butterflies in your stomach were going crazy knowing that with every step, your chances of running into Kun was getting greater and greater. You two walked in silence as you took in the barren trees that reached over your heads. From the corner of you eye, you saw Aria peer up at you.

"Aunty y/n," she said, shyly. You looked down at her and tucked a piece of her hair behind her hair.

"Yes dear?"

"Can I ask you a favor?" You nodded your head.

"Of course, sweetie." Aria pursed her lips and remained silent for a couple seconds.

"Would you be able to come with me to WayV's end of promotion dinner event?" You opened your mouth to speak but were left speechless. "I-I know you and Sunbae didn't really end things on good terms. But both Ara and Jia's parents can't be there and they asked if you could come for them as well." You brushed your hair back with your free hand and looked up towards the clouds. You sighed heavily.

"Uh, I don't know honey. I just- I don't know if it'll create conflict," you said. Aria looked down at her feet and nodded her head.

"I-I understand. Well, if you change your mind, it's this week Saturday." You headed up SM's front steps and she unlinked her arm from yours. She tucked her hands into her jacket pocket, slowly looking up at you. Her face was painted a pink tint and her eyes were glassy. You put your hand on her cheek and caressed it with your thumb.

"You know what, for you and the girls, I'll be there. I promise," you said, earning a gummy smile from Aria.

"Really Aunty! Thank you! The girls are going to be so happy. Thank you so much," she said, wrapping her arms tightly around your waist. You hugged her back, tapping on her shoulders.

"You owe me a sleepover missy," you said, as she pulled away from the hug. Aria giggled as she opened the front door.

"Of course!" She ran into the building, waving at you through the tall glass windows before getting into the elevator. You turned around to head back home, bumping into a man. You looked up quickly after recognizing the figure and cologne.

"Y/n," Kun said, taking a step closer to you.

"I-I have to go," you said, stepping past him. You quickly walked out to the sidewalk and hurried to the bus stop.

"Please, y/n. Talk to me. You don't answer my texts, my calls," he said, grabbing your wrist. You yanked it away, facing him with the tears welling up in your eyes.

"Obviously I don't want to talk to you. And I told you not to waste your time. You have your team, I have my goddaughter. Let's focus on our own number one priorities and never speak again." You continued down the sidewalk to the bus stop. Kun followed behind quietly. You stood by the curb as the bus arrived. You got on, leaving Kun alone.

"I miss you," you heard him say. You turned to look at him. His face was flush and a look of guilt and misery was stricken on his face. You gulped hard, trying to hold back the tears.

"Are you getting on sir?" Asked the bus driver. Kun remained eye contact with you as he slowly shook his head.

"No," he said, taking a step back. The doors closed and the bus driver started driving. You kept eye contact with Kun as his figure slowly disappeared in the distance. You sank into the seat by you.

I miss you, painfully echoed in your head as tear by tear fell down your face.

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