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Another lovely song!

~Bella's POV~

I woke up at 4am sweating from head to toe

I had had a nightmare about my mum


"You ungrateful bitch!"
"Simon.. please!"
"You're disgusting! You ugly bloomin slut"


Crying.. all I saw was my mums tears dropping to the floor and mixing with the large amount of blood.


I had tears dropping down my eyes as I rubbed my head with my pale hands, I got up and walked out onto my balcony, I leant against the fence that looked out over the waves.

After what felt like ages I walked back inside and checked the time.


I wanted to call my mum, so that's what I did.

I grabbed my phone and dialled her number.






On the fifth ring she finally picked up.

"Hello?" My Mama asks
"Mama?" I smile slightly
"B-Bella.. Principessa, oh baby! How are you?" She questions.

"I'm fine Mama.. it's just, I had this dream about you and.. I- are you alright mama?" I ask quietly
"No! Mama! Are you alright?!" I half shout

"Darling.. I-" she starts
"Who are you on the phone to you bitch?!" I hear my stepfather shout.

"Mama, I'm going to come get you" I shout
"No! Arabella Dea Valentino don't you dare!"

She never says my full name unless she means it, so for now I will agree.. but that doesn't mean I'm going to listen.

"Fine.. Mama, stay safe, ti amo"
"Love you too Principessa" she says with a faint smile.

After that my Mama hung up so I threw my phone onto the bed and rushed to the bathroom.

I did my morning routine, apart from showering which I will do later instead.

I speed-walk to my wardrobe and walk in quickly grabbing some clothing.

I grabbed a plain white cropped top,
then I grabbed my H.S  hoodie merch and some denim jeans, I also grabbed my white converse before rushing out of the wardrobe and walking to my bed side table.

S  hoodie merch and some denim jeans, I also grabbed my white converse before rushing out of the wardrobe and walking to my bed side table

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I picked up my phone, AirPods, rings and glasses.

I then grabbed a bag and threw my laptop in along with paper and a few pens, I also rushed back to the wardrobe and grabbed two pairs of jeans, three shirts and  another hoodie along with a few pairs of under garnets I also grabbed £1,000 for any other things that I may need while I'm gone.

I rushed out of my room and ran down the stairs and into the kitchen.

It was only 8am so it was lucky that no one was awake.

I grabbed cereal and milk, before putting it all into a bowl and gulping it down.

After I finished I cleaned up and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen out of my bag and wrote onto the paper

Dear family

I'm going to save my Mama.
I didn't want to tell you because I knew you'd try to stop me.
So I've gone by myself!
I will be back as soon as possible.

From Bella

I placed the paper onto the table and put the rest of the stuff into my bag before reaching for my laptop.

I booked a flight to Cardiff airport, then a train ticket to actual Cardiff.

(Cardiff airport isn't actually in Cardiff it's in Rhoose but is called Cardiff airport because more people know where Cardiff is, so that's why she needs a train ticket to actually get to Cardiff :) )

I grabbed a random key off the side and ran to the garage, the key wasn't a car one so I knew it was one of the motorbikes keys.

I tried two bikes before getting to a bike which I haven't seen any of my family use then placing the key in, the bike roared to life, so I quickly put my phone into my bag and lifted the helmet over my head.

I breathed in before starting it properly and driving out of the garage, I didn't turn back until I was completely off the dirt track that lead to the house.

No going back now..


After 30minutes I finally got to the airport, I parked the bike and jumped off it before walking into the airport.

I walked past the luggage area because I didn't actually have a reason to go there considering the only bag I had was a small backpack.

I rushed to the weighing area and placed all my things onto a tray, I walked through the alarm system and grabbed my belongings when I got to the other side.

I walked into the shopping area and wondered into Starbucks to get my signature drink, cookies and cream with white chocolate.

I sat at a table and drank my drink until I heard my plane number being called.

I jumped up and rushed towards it in hope to be one of the first onto the plane.

I was around 7th in the cue so it didn't take long before I was walking onto the plane, I searched for my seat.

When I found it I got into the lane and sat beside the window.

Not many people were on the plane meaning I had the isle to myself, so I placed my bag beside me and buckled up.

I grabbed a piece of chewing gum so my ears didn't pop.

After 20 minutes the plane started moving.


Uh oh..
what do you think about the situation?
Would you do the same?
Do you think she's being stupid or brave or even both?

Let me know what you think!
Cya next time xx

And remember TPWK!

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