Agent Barton

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"Shhhhit," You whisper as you look at the three body's.

"That means - Loki! Where's Clint, restore his heart!" Mays yelled.

Loki didn't reply.

You look at him then at Mays then - "Oh my - shit! Melissa!" You yell as you spot the cat crouched in the corner, shaking.

You race over and gently up the cat, stroking her head. She relaxes slightly and purrs.

"You're worried about your cat!? We have bigger problems right now!" Mays yells.

"Do you think I don't know that?" You snap at her. You look uneasily at Loki, still stroking Melissa's ears. "Loki..., you have the tesseract, don't you?"

You watch him closely.

He doesn't answer instead saying, "I want to know how you just kicked ass, (Y/N)."

You shrug. "One of my former foster parents was an F.B.I. agent."

"Hmm so-"

You interrupt him, saying sternly, "Loki."

Loki looks up at you and he raises an eyebrow. "Yes, sweetheart?"

You ignore the nick name and ask, "Do. You. Have. The. Tesseract?"

Loki sighs and says, "Yes, and is that a big deal?"

"Well, yes, Loki! You're practically planning to bring hell to New York and think you can rule the human race!" You yell at him. "Not to mention getting into Eric's head as well as Clint's! Where are they!?"

Loki's eyes narrowed. "They are helping me."

"Against their will!" Mays yells.

"Oh shit, I forgot, Mays is in love with Clint," you murmur under your breath.

Mays looks at you in disbelief. "Why the hell did you have to tell him that!?"

Loki glances at Mays then at you and sighs, "Fine." Loki waves his staff and you watch in disbelief as Clint shimmers and appears.

"Holy. Shit," you say. "H-He's real. I-I can see him."

Mays looks at you in confusion. "Who?"

"Clint - holy shit, sorry, I'm still processing this," you say as Melissa jumps from your arms. "Here."

You walk over and place your hands on each side of Mays head then turn it to where Clint is standing in the archway. "Clint Barton. Is. Real. He's right there."

Mays blinks and her eyes widen.

The room was silent for a moment. You look at Mays, taking your hands away. "Mays?"

"He...He...." You quickly lunge forward and catch her as she faints. 

"I guess I'm not the only one processing things," you mutter.

"Is she dead?" Loki asks, peering over the counter.

"No, she's not," you say, glaring at him. "Me, and you are going to have a talk, right now - after you help me get Mays onto the couch."

Loki leans against the counter, arms crossed over his chest.


"Barton can." Loki nods to Clint.

You look up as Clint walks over. You put Mays in his arms and as soon as they exit the room you sweep Loki's feet out from under him and immediately are on top of him, straddling his waist. You grab a knife and put it to his throat.

Loki grins.

"Don't take this as something it's not, Mister Laufeyson," you say immediately when you spot the gleam in his emerald eyes. "Now, you're going to release Agent Barton."

"No can do, Miss (L/N)," he says.

Before you can process what's happening he grabs your wrist and puts enough pressure on it that you drop the knife. Then you roll, and this time he's on top of you.

"Bastard," you say.

He smiles down at you. "Now, are we going to discuss this as civil people?"

"You're not a person are you though? I thought you were a god," you retort, and buck up, hitting his shoulder so he rolls off. You leap to your feet but before you can do anything his helmet is back on his head and his staff is pointed at you.

"Don't. You. Dare," you say as you look at the staff with narrowed (E/C) eyes.

Loki looks at it and looks back at you. "I can't release Agent Barton till I have succeeded."

"You won't succeed. I haven't shown you the Avengers movie, but you won't, Loki," You say.

Loki tilts his head. "Well you change things, don't you? You're the only one who can see people not from this...realm."

You blink rapidly. "I-I no. I don't." Are you?

"Now, come with me and you can help me," Loki says, lowering his staff.

"I'm not helping you if you won't be sensible!" you shout. "I swear, when I meet Thor-"

Loki's eyes shoot to yours, trapping yours. "Don't. Bring my brother into this."

You watch him carefully, trying to figure him out. "Fine, I won't. I need to stay with Mays."

Loki sighs. "Fine. We'll bring her too, and your papers of research."

"Yeah, alright, fine," you say and look at your bloodied floor and counters. "But first, I want my kitchen cleaned up and those bodies disposed of."

"Easy," Loki says.

You watch in disbelief as all bodies disappear and the blood goes to, revealing gleaming counters and floors. "I-I well alright then."

"I'm beginning to think saying 'thank you' doesn't come easy to you," Loki chuckles.

You glare at him, but you can't stop the smile. "I suppose - thank you."

Loki nods. "You're welcome. Now, let's go."

"Go where?" Your eyebrows draw together as you look at him.

"To go get lunch!" he says then leaves the room.

You're frozen where you are. "Did he just ask me out to lunch?" Another thought invades your mind. 

You weren't supposed to interrupt Loki's plans, you were never supposed to even meet Loki because he's not real, but could this cause a rift? Would this change things? Would Loki come out on top this time instead of being defeated...?

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