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Dick woke up the next morning, a rare beam of sunlight shining on his face. He blinked at the welcomed light before sitting up in bed. It wasn't too bright outside, just a little past the break of dawn. He slid out of bed only to notice that Ace was not sleeping on his rug like she usually does.

He frowned but shrugged, maybe she was already playing outside. He started doing his morning stretches, to help with whatever the day may bring. Or, in some cases, the following night. But as he bent down to stretch out his back he noticed the cuts he made last night.

He froze for a second before standing up again and scrutinizing the cuts.

'Oh... right...'

"I can't do that again..." he mutters to himself as he quickly gets dressed, taking care to pull the sleeves of his sweater carefully down around his wrists.

He looks in the mirror, eyes gazing over his body, making sure nothing looks suspicious. He runs a hand through his hair quickly, suddenly eager to get out of the Manor. 

He grabs his sunglasses off his dresser and sets them in his pants pocket and takes one last look in the mirror before leaving his room.

He walked quietly down the stairs, grimacing after each step. The eerie silence of the Manor has never bothered him so much except for when he first came to the Manor. Now, after that simulation, it's nearly unbearable. It almost felt like he was back in the simulation. The deafening silence after his mentor was disintegrated nearly crushed him, it made his legs waver as if the floor was going to break away right from under him. But then he had to remind himself that nothing was real... that is, until it all went wrong.

He sighed as he descended the last step and turned towards the kitchen, just as Bruce was leaving that same room.

"I have to go for a little bit Dick, Lucius wants to see me at Wayne Enterprises."

Dick gave him a small smile and nodded.

"Yeah, okay. See you later."

Bruce nodded at him, patted his shoulder briefly and headed out the front door.

After the door closed, Dick finally entered the kitchen, greeted by Alfred and an omelet and toast.

Dick smiled cheerfully up at his 'grandfather' before moving to take a seat in front of his plate.

"Good morning Master Dick. I trust you slept well?"

At that, Dick had to stop himself from nearly falling out of the chair.

He glanced up at Alfred's face before stuttering a hesitant "y-yeah"

Alfred set a glass of orange juice down in front of his plate before regarding him with suspicion.

"Are you feeling alright Master Dick? Do you have a fever?"

Alfred reached out a hand to feel his forehead but Dick quickly ducked his head, attempting to cover it by quickly grabbing a forkful of his omelet to his mouth.

He quickly chewed and swallowed before sheepishly grinning up at Alfred.

"I feel fine Al. Just... was up a little bit last night with nightmares."

At that, Alfred's face softened and he hummed gently.

"I see... well, since it's Saturday I assume you'll be spending the day at the Mountain?" 

 Dick mumbled out a 'yes' before having another a bite.

Alfred then turned to start cleaning up and Dick finally began to relax.

Until Alfred said something over his shoulder that made Dick freeze once again.

"Then I suggest changing out of that sweater. The weather is getting  warmer."

And with that, Dick's appetite flew south.


"Recognized: Robin B-01"

When Dick entered the Mountain, he adjusted his glasses before slightly picking at the collar of his sweater, already starting to feel uncomfortable.

Ironically, the story he told Alfred was that he was, in fact, cold. And after reassuring Alfred that he, once again, was not feeling ill, he finally left the boy alone.

"Hey dude! Uh, why are you wearing a sweater? It's like in the low seventies now." (Fahrenheit people.)

Dick just smiled at the sudden appearance of his best friend.

"Just a little cold man, maybe I'll change a little later."

Yeah, that was most likely a lie. 

Wally's eyes narrowed for a second before shrugging and smiling once again.

"Well, come on then! I brought my new video game today."

He grabbed Dick's wrist to drag him to the lounge, as soon as his hand made contact with Dick's sweater, Dick's eyes widened underneath his glasses.

"Can't wait to kick your butt--"

Dick let out a small his as Wally yanked on his wrist.

Wally withdrew his hand like he'd been burned.


He made to grab his wrist again, smile wiped from his face. A dark look had crossed his features.

When Dick noticed his hand reaching out to him again, he reflexively jolted away.

Wally's eyes darkened and before Dick could even blink, they were both in Wally's room in the Mountain, papers scattering behind them.

This time, Wally didn't utter a word when he took Dick's wrist and held on firmly but gentler.

He glanced at Dick's face but the younger boy tensed and lowered his head to the side, seemingly aware of Wally's next move.

Wally's eyes moved back to Dick's wrist and his other hand slowly rolled up the sleeve.

Wally let out his own hiss when his eyes met the two red cuts.

He faltered for a bit before looking back up at his friend, who still refused to meet his eyes.

Wally loosened his hold slightly after realizing his grip was becoming to harsh after Dick's breathing got heavier.

Wally himself was starting to have trouble regulating his own breathing as well.

"Dick... why?"

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