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"Why didn't you save us? My boy..."

He was staring in horror at the broken bodies of his parents. They were standing so close, dripping with fresh blood. Eyes angry and full of hate.

"We died yet you live. If you had gone with us, at least we would still be together."

Dick backed up against a grey, stone wall. The harsh rain from the storm was like ice against his face.

"N-no... I didn't mean... I didn't want you to die!"

New figures appeared behind his parents. His team.

And Wally was at the front. They were all covered in burns, they were still smoking.

Their eyes were the same as his parents.

"Didn't you though?"

Wally's voice was laced with venom and he took a menacing step towards Dick.

"You didn't care that we died. You let us. And you didn't do a thing about it!"

Dick tightly shut his eyes, shaking his head violently.

"No, no! I... tried to save you but I couldn't... it was out of my control. I--"

Another figure yet again appeared, this time next to Wally.

"You failed, Dick."

He opened his eyes quickly, his breath becoming a strangled gasp.


A light sprung up behind them, violent and harsh.

It was the disintegration beam from the simulation.

"You let everyone die. You're a failure. I never should have taken you in, you're just a burden."

A loud humming sound came from above and the last thing he saw, was the bright light sweeping over them all.

Dick sprung into a sitting position on his bed.

His breathing was harsh and his heart was racing in his chest.

Sweat was pouring down his body as his eyes quickly scanned the room, looking for any signs the dream was a reality.

A low whine came from his side and he looked down to see Ace, tilting her head at him.

"Sorry I woke you girl..."

He gently patted the dog's head until she gave a gentle, worried wag in return.

He quietly got out from under his covers and grabbed his robe, and crept out of his room.

Ace quickly followed him.

He sneaked into the room with his parents' portrait.

The only light was the glow of the fireplace, slowly getting dull.

He curled up on the chair across from the fireplace and looked up at the portrait, a few silent tears falling from his face.

A few minutes passed before his eyes started to close, yet as soon as they did his stomach started to growl.

With a groan he rolled off the chair and walked towards the kitchen.

"This is what I get for skipping dinner to finish that stupid assignment..."

He came to the kitchen and turned the lights on, Ace following right behind him.

He opened the fridge and after a moment, he got out some cheese and meat.

While he was making his sandwich, Ace kept a very close eye on him.

Dick glanced down at her and gave her a slice of cheese, chuckling at how fast she gobbled it up.

He turned around and leaned against the counter, eating his sandwich with slow, sleepy movements.

It was quiet but peaceful. There were crickets chirping from outside the open kitchen windows.

He looked back down at Ace and smiled.

She was passed out on the tile now.

He finished the sandwich and bent down to stroke her back.

"So lucky to not have a single care in the world..."

He stood back up and stretched out his arms then reaching behind him to scratch the back of his neck before deciding to clean up his dishes before Alfred can in the morning.

He always tells him to just leave it if he eats during the night, however Dick never listens. Unless, of course, he's about to fall over on his face from exhaustion.

He lets out a yawn as he finishes washing the plate, he reaches back in for the knife he used to cut the sandwich.

He let out a little gasp when the blade pricked his finger.

He slowly took his hand out of the water and looked at the small bead of blood before bringing out the small knife from the water as well.

When he was making his sandwich, he had forced himself to think of anything else. It's how he was able to leave the knife alone at the Mountain.


The moment he felt the blade prick his finger, when he saw the blood...

It... felt good.

And because of that nightmare... it really did help calm him down some more.

He stared at the knife, turning it over slowly in his hand, a blank look taking over his face.

He bit his upper lip as a few tears flowed down his face, he rested the blade against his left arm.

He slowly pressed down and sliced, his eyes visibly relaxing as he watched the blood rise.

He raised the knife and repeated the action once more, right above the first.

He sighed through his nose and raised the knife again, right as he heard a loud bark.

He jumped and turned around to see Ace growling softly at him, ears laid flat.

Dick blinked at her before glancing down at the knife, a shadow passed in front of his face as he realized what he had just done.

He threw the knife back onto the counter and quickly washed the cuts.

"You stupid idiot!"

He scowled at himself as he grabbed the knife and cleaned it again.

He was about to set it back in the drawer before he stopped and hesitated.

He gripped the handle of the knife and slowly put it into his pajama pants pocket.

He turned around to find Ace staring at him intently.

She wasn't growling anymore but her ears were still down, a sign of distress.

"Come on Ace, let's just go back to bed."

Ace followed her boy silently, tail tucked and ears back.

Dick noticed and felt a twinge of guilt, yet only for making his dog upset.

"I'm sorry Ace..."

But that's all he was sorry for.

He didn't regret it.

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