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Brina p.o.v
I was in my uncles office texting my friends

Nicole; girl stop stalking that boy

Me; I ain't stalking him

Mya: so then why you in ya uncle office

I stopped texting them when the door opened

Khalil: Mr Jones I have the new song for y- oh Um hi

Me: hi

It was an awkward silence

Khalil: where is your uncle at

Me: he's in the bathroom

Khalil: well I guess I'll come back then

He was about to walk out

Me: or I can give it to him

Khalil: nah I'll do it myself..see you at bible study

Me: see you

The door slammed and my uncle Rodney popped up

Rodney: did I miss something

Me: yeah Khalil is looking for you

I went back texting my friends

Mya: damn he rude as fuck

Me: I know right

My uncle grabbed my phone

Rodney: did you hear me

Me: huh

Rodney; I said go get Khalil for me

Me: okay

I walked out his office and down the hall to the music room of the church

Don: sup weirdo

Me: sup ugly

Don: whatcha want

Me: my uncle needs Khalil

Don: he's in there

He pointed to the little studio room

Me: thanks

I started walking down the stairs to the studio room
End p.o.v

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