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Chris p.o.v
Khalil ran out his room fast

Me: did I disturb you or something

Khalil: here take yo damn wallet

He threw it at me

Me: well can me and Mya h-

Khalil: no nigga I'm busy right now now leave

I never saw Khalil like this before

Me: umm okay

He kicked me out of his house

Mya: why is brinas bike on his yard

Me: waiiit she's still here
End p.o.v

Mya p.o.v
I'm soo lost right now

Me: what do you mean she's still here

Chris: nothing

We got into the car

Me: I thought she was with Nicole

Chris; bro I gotta fasho call don

Me: Chris are you-

Chris: I think they fucking in there

He started laughing

Me: nah

But then again Khalil was acting mad funny and her bike is still there

Me: (laughing)

This bout to be a wild story she gonna tell us
End p.o.v

Been busy will write more soon

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