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Nicole p.o.v
I was chillin with brina

Brina: where don at

Me: he somewhere I don't know

Brina: I'll just text him

I looked at her oddly

Me; why you need to text my nigga

Brina: whoooa whoaaa relax sis

Me: re-

Brina: I'm trying to see if the choir song is done ..Khalil blocked me

Me: ohh

It got awkward after that
End p.o.v

Don p.o.v
Brina randomly texted me

Me: I don't understand why you got her block

Khalil; I'm teaching her a lesson

I rolled my eyes at him

Me: anyway she's asking if the song is done

He went back playing on the piano

Khalil: it will be

I gave him a straight face

Me: imma text her it's not done yet

Khalil: don't do that

Pastor Rodney walked in

Rodney: can y'all stop playing around and chop chop

Me: that's him not me

Khalil was to busy texting brina back

Khalil: he's lying

Rodney: fine go out there and perform already

Me; good luck bro (laughing)

I stayed in the music room while Khalil went to the chapel

..an hour later

Me; how did it go

Khalil: I had a little trick up myself

He showed me a video of him singing

Me: good now let's finish this song

Khalil: nah I'm bout to head out you on ya own

I rolled my eyes at him
End p.o.v

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