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Khalil p.o.v
I was in the studio room smoking with Chris

Chris: ya sure we ain't gonna get caught

Me: do I ever get caught

Chris looked at me

Me: exactly I be down here chillin

Since I'm the leader of choir for this church and my parents sponsor mr Jones church I can do whatever I want in my eyes

Chris: I'm surprised you ain't fuck one these hoes yet in here

Me: that's disrespectful

Chris: but ain't disrespectful to do it ya mama basement

I smacked my lips at him

Me: man shut up

I took a puff out of my blunt again

Brina: (coughing) what are y'all doing

Chris: shit we got caught

I looked over at her

Brina: my uncle wants your music sheets

Instead of giving it to her I gave it to Chris and he went straight up them stairs

Me: whatever you saw down here you ain't see..you got it

She rolled her eyes at me

Brina: imma tell anyway

Me: tell? (Laughs) we In second grade again..don't make me tell mr Jones you've been stealing money to get ya nails done

Brina: I I I don't know what your talking about

Me: mhm

I've been watching her ever since she moved her last month And I know she's been watching me too
End p.o.v

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