letters and polaroids.

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tw: talking about death.

harry has dealt with loss of loved ones more than he dealt joy in his life. losing someone dear to his heart is something one cannot overcome. grief is a universal language and he does think it’s okay to grieve over a loved one that he has lost long time ago. he appreciates the support he gets from his fans, family and friends, but at the end of the day, the loved one is gone. departed from the world and peacefully watching over him up above.

when harry lost his step-dad, who was almost like his own dad, the pain was intolerable. his emotions fed his mind, unable to function properly. his soul aching for his mum, sister and for himself. when he lost his girlfriend to a terminal illness, his trust in hope was almost non-existence. it felt like the world and the universe was against him.

that’s when his current love, y/n crossed paths in his life. he never thought he would be able to love and to be loved again. her small acts of kindness and seeking his assurance, respecting his time of privacy and grief, giving him space was one of the many things he loved about her. maybe, the word ‘love’ was too strong for him. but she gave him hope.

y/n and harry was in early stage of ‘relationship’ title. it felt too foreign to call him 'boyfriend.' even though, they both quite enjoy each other’s company, they still decided to take it slow. that doesn’t meant y/n wasn’t taking any baby steps to help him, she was reliable for harry to hold on.

y/n invited harry to spend an evening in her new apartment with fancy meals prepared by her. wanting to show off her cooking skills, she called him over. also to spend a little time with harry because she just missed him.

y/n dressed in a silky little black dress, feeling bold, subtle makeup and a gold necklace her mum gifted her on her 18th birthday. she recently shaved her leg and it’s safe to say, she feel like a goddess when her legs are out in display in the bold black dress.

the meal was already prepared even before harry arrived at her home. she was very excited to see him after two long weeks. y/n was checking herself in the mirror, taking in her appearance. she smiled at herself softly, proud of herself for making her look great.

her thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell. y/n quickly hurried to the door to greet him. taking a deep breath, she opened the door for him, with a smile that would make harry weak on his knees.

the sight in front of her was beautiful. his hair slightly disheveled by the wind, lips in soft grin. his outfit was black, accidentally matching with her. black sheer shirt revealing his chest tattoos, cross pendant sternly hanging around his neck. she was definitely in love.

“hello, darling” he spoke in soft voice.

“hey” y/n whispered at him, almost as if he couldn’t catch her.

harry slowly wrapped himself to her. his arms finding a way around her waist, pulling her towards himself. nuzzling in her neck, inhaling her scent. her arms around his shoulder, holding on to him as tightly as he was doing.


10.23 p.m.

harry glanced at the clock on the wall, time to head back home. since he has to finish the stills of the upcoming second album, he has to wake up early tomorrow. he loved every moment spent with her. kisses, cuddling, laughter being shared. he really did enjoy it.

but he felt guilty.

harry decided to head back to his apartment before his negative thoughts invade his mind. decided to call it a night before he becomes too vulnerable by his past.

“it’s getting late, love. i should get back.” he announced from the living room.

“oh, yeah. it is late” y/n chuckled, trying to hide her disappointment from her face.

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