~ 3. The Sorting Ceremony ~

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"We're almost there, wake up." said Hermione while attempting to wake me up, shaking me. My eyes snapped open and I sat up.

I looked around the compartment. "Where are Harry and Ron?"

"Changing into their robes. As I said, we're almost there. You should change too, unless you want to show up in that ofcourse. Be my guest." she was already wearing her robes.

I nodded and grabbed my bag with my robes in it. "Where do I change?"

"In the bathroom. You may want to fresh yourself up a bit, you are about to be sorted in front of the whole school."

"Alright, I will see you in a bit." I gave her a smile and walked out.

I threw my bag over my shoulder and started looking for the bathroom to change. She was definitely right, this train is indeed gigantic. I started looking outside the window, not noticing I was about to bump into someone and dropping my bag.

It was Harry.

"Bloody hell, I'm so sorry!" I said while kneeling down to grab my bag, he did the same.

I looked right into his face, being inches away. I quickly grabbed my bag and got up, he got up too. Both our faces being flushed.

He had already changed into his robes. He looks good in them, red really does suit him.

"Its alright. Don't worry about it. Can you find the bathroom?" he said while looking outside the window.

"I will find it, I think. But thank you." I said, following his gaze outside the window.

"Its beautifull, isn't it?" he said, "this view."

"It most certainly is." I said quietly.

"Well I will see you in a bit. Good luck finding the bathroom." and with that, he walked away.

My eyes followed him for 5 seconds until I started to walk away.

I walked into the bathroom and threw my bag on the floor. I started to change into my robes and looked into the mirror. I looked quite good in them, they are better looking than the Ilvermorny uniforms. I wonder what house I will be sorted in. Red kind of suits me, I guess. Yellow really does not. Green does and blue also does. It doesn't matter, I will have to wear it anyway. I splashed some cold water on my face to fresh up, I already felt better. I looked into my bright, green eyes. Now, what the hell am I going to do about my hair?

After about ten minutes of being on the edge of tears because of my hair, I decided I didn't give a flying fuck anymore and just put it in a messy ponytail. It didn't look bad at all, I looked really good actually. I smiled at my reflection.


We walked towards the carriages, who were supposed to transport us closer to the castle. "Come on, get in." said Ron in a hurried voice. We all stepped in and it immediately started moving, making me almost fall backwards.

I quickly sat down. "How do these things move without a horse pulling it?"

"There is something pulling it," said Hermione, "You just can't see them."

"Except Harry, he can see them." said Ron, looking at me.

"What do you mean?"

"They are called Threstals," said Hermione, like it was obvious. "Only people who have seen death can see them."

I looked at Harry, I immediately knew why he could see them. "What do they look like?" I asked him, trying not to sound too pressuring.

He looked up at me. "They look like skeleton horses. They're pitch black and have huge wings."

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