~ 6. Classes ~

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I lay in my bed, being woken up by Padma shaking me awake. "Wake up you Sleeping Beauty!"

I laughed and sat straight up, rubbing my eyes. "What was the reason, Padma." I mumbled, yawning.

"We have to get to breakfast or we will have no place to sit. Oh and by the way, why did I hear you come back past midnight?" she questioned.

"Well, why were you awake past midnight?" I smiled at her. She muttered something under her breath and walked to her bed to get her stuff.

I ran my fingers through my hair and got up to get dressed. I wasn't tired at all actually, I had alot of energy today. I'm used to staying up late, so I already knew waking up wouldn't be a problem. It was nice spending time with Harry and getting to know him better, although I doubt I haven't even heard everything. Yet.

I suppose I'm getting my schedule today, since I don't even know what classes I have.

I looked around our dorm. Luna was watering some of her weird looking plants. Cho was putting on a bit of make-up and Padma was reading a book, probably waiting for us.

"Hey, what classes do we have today?" I asked.

Padma looked up from her book. "I'm guessing professor Mcgonagall will bring you your schedule today. We have Potions with the Hufflepuffs. After that we have Herbology with the Slytherins and... Uhm.. I forgot the rest, Cho help me out here."

Cho put down her mascara and turned to us. "After Herbology we have lunch break and after break we have Divination with Gryffindor. You should know that, Padma." she stated.

"Yeah yeah.." whispered Padma and got up. "Are you all ready to go? I have been waiting for a long time and I feel like my stomach has began to try and eat itself."

Cho and Padma walked out, leaving me and Luna behind. I took a good look at her. She was talking to her plant. The plant looked like it had some sort of flower on top, it looked adorable. I'm guessing she placed the flower there herself.

"Hey Luna, that's a lovely plant you got there." I exclaimed as I sat down next to her on her bed. She looked up and smiled at me.

"Thank you, do you like the pink flower on top? I got it myself, found it on the quidditch pitch." she responded dreamly.

"I absolutely love it. Where did you get the plant?"

"I got it as a gift from Neville Longbottom, he's in Gryffindor. He is obsessed with plants, which is totally understandable. You just need to understand the plant's mindset. I named her Nyx, it reminds me of the beauty of the night." she said happily.

"Well, I love Nyx already. If you need any help taking care of her, I am always willing to do it." I smiled at her.


Me and Luna walked into the Great Hall, seeing everyone has already started eating.

"I hope theres still any food left for us." I said as we walked in.

"Don't worry. If theres nothing left, I have a couple of old biscuits under my bed." said Luna.

While me and Luna walked to the Ravenclaw table, some Gryffindor boys started calling Luna names.

"Hey Loony! What a lovely flower you got on your head! Got it out of the garbage can?" said one boy and the other ones laughed loudly at his 'joke'.

I turned to him, looking like I was about to explode. I grabbed my wand and made him look at it, not doing anything yet. He looked confused.

"Hey there! You must know my name, I'm the so called 'New Girl'. Just to let you know; if I ever hear you call Luna 'Loony' again or insult her," I snapped, making him have a good look at my wand. "I will shove this wand so far up your arse, that you will taste the wood."

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