~ 10. Hogsmeade ~

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Its been a couple of weeks since the whole tentmate thingy. I still haven't found a tent mate since nobody bothered to ask me. I may seem like a badass because of my earlier actions, but I'm still too anxious to just go up to people.

Christmas break was getting closer everyday, I'm really excited to see my mother again. And if I'm lucky my father too if he comes home from work to spend time with his family.

Today was the day we were going to Hogsmeade, somewhere I have never been before.

I'm very excited about it, but the sad thing is that I have to get through classes first.

I was on my way to my last class of the day, Magical Creatures. It appears to be one of my favourite classes, I have noticed. And I'm also quite good in the subject.

"Have you found a tent mate already?" asked Cho as we were walking towards the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

"No I haven't. I'm waiting for someone to ask me, I'm not the type of person to just go up to a random person. I don't really know why but this trip seems important to me." I answered.

"How come?" asked Padma.

"You guys are one of the few friends I have at Hogwarts and you all have tentmates already. And the person that I have to share a tent with, must be someone that I'm comfortable with. I don't want to sleep next to a creep."

"Yeah I get that. And Cho, who're you sharing with? I know Padma's already sharing with Hannah Abbot and I'm sharing with Neville." asked Luna, facing Cho.

"I'm going with Terry Boot." she mumbled.

"Didn't you ask Harry a couple of weeks ago?" Padma asked.

"Yeah but he said no." she replied, looking down.

"How so?" I asked curious. I was there when he rejected her but never got to know why.

"Just drop it, okay?" she snapped.

Luna, Padma and I all shared a confused look but decided to indeed drop it.


Hagrid had started to introduce us to Hippogrifs.

"I must warn you, hippogrifs are very proud creatures. You do not want to make them angry!"

Behind me I heard Draco Malfoy take a really loud bite out of his apple. I turned back around as I decided to not let him ruin my favourite class.

As Hagrid kept explaining, I heard Malfoy talk to his friends.

"God this place has gone to the dogs. Wait until my father hears that Dumbledore has got this oaf teaching classes." he said, making his friens snicker.

"Shut up, Malfoy." I heard Harry say in a very irritated tone.

"Ooh ooh ooh ooooh." said Malfoy in a singing voice as he also walked closer towards Harry.

Almost everyone was watching the show happen, except a couple students at the front who were still listening to Hagrid teaching.

"Has Pottyhead something to say?" laughed Malfoy.

"Yeah, to tell you that almost everyone hates you so theres no reason to act like more than you are, you fucking bleachboy."

Alot of people laughed at his remark, except Malfoy and his friends ofcourse.

"Don't you dare say those things to me! Do you even know what happens if I tell my father about this!" said Malfoy with anger in his voice.

"What? Is he going to prick me with his walking stick that he calls a 'wand'?"

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