Chapter 3: Caleb

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I watched as the sun slowly began to peak above the horizon. The line that separated sea from sky turned a brilliant gold, it was beautiful.

Sometimes I wondered why I took the time to appreciate these things. The small things I mean. Like a gold line above the water. I always -

"Did you hear me?" The annoying, yet somehow understanding girl interrupted my thoughts.

I scoffed, "Does it look like it?"

Brooklyn groaned, "I'm wasting my time. You're just another douche. I may have sat and listened to you rant on about your parents for hours, but who the fuck do you think you are? I mean I have problems of my own. I'm sorry your life sucks Mr.Popular but I got problems of my own." The girl picked up a rock, eyeing it and palming it in her hands a few times before skimming it across the water. It skipped twice before sinking into the water.

"Mr.Popular?" I laughed, "If anyone's wasting their time it's me. I just spent hours telling a stranger about my shit." I scanned the sand, and picked up a fairly smooth rock, "In case you didn't know, you're probably the only person I've talked to since I moved to this sorry excuse for a shit island." I closed one eye and chucked the rock, angling it slightly. It skipped three times, then gave up.

Brooklyn mumbled something under her breath.

"What was that?" I mock-titled my head.

"Nothing, I was just agreeing with my subconscious on how insane you seem," she looked up at me with challenging blue eyes.

This girl was a sarcastic, annoying, bitch. But she somehow had a point.

"The feeling is mutual Ms.Patterson,"

She groaned for what seemed like the 50th time since we'd met, "You're pathetic."

"And you're annoying." I smirked.

"The feelings mutual," She teased,"Mr. Walker," she made quotations around my last name.

We both laughed.

We laughed for what seemed like forever, and believe me, I would've been perfectly comfortable laughing under this shit dock, with this shit girl, on this shit island, in this shit world.

But reality had other ideas for me. I sighed as the alarm on my watch filled my ears. I glanced at the watch, hoping I had accidentally set it early.


Nope. I looked up at the painted horizon, and decided my favorite color was orange, then sighed.

" I have to go." I stood up and brushed the sand from my jeans.

"I better hit the road too. Not that anyone would know I was gone..." Brooklyn set her skateboard on the ground, and positioned her foot on the board.

I grabbed her arm.

"When, uhm- " I stuttered searching for the right words, "Fuck." I let go of her arm, "Nevermind."

She shrugged and pushed one foot.


"When will I see you again?" I called.

Brooklyn smirked," I dunno. I'll be around. I'm what they call... A night owl."

I laughed and looked at my feet, running my fingers through my hair. I looked up, and she was gone.

x x x x x

I played the evening through my head as I walked home.

Was this what it was like to have a friend? Was this why I had this sort of light-happy feeling?

Who the fuck am I kidding ... She probably thinks I'm a dick, and would rather not encounter me again.

I sighed. I'm such a fuck up.

I looked up at our small house, and rickety deck.

I can't wait to get off this island.

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