Chapter 4: Brooklyn

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The summer time had always been a lonely time for me. My mom spent her days reeling in some sorry excuse for a guy, and her nights plastered. I spent my days locked away in my room, and my nights roaming the island; just me and Barbie.

I don't know what possessed me to go to that dock that night. I had never been there before. Usually I scouted the town for hidden coffee shops, and undiscovered night clubs, but it was no use. I knew this island like the back of my hand.

Two nights had gone by since I met Caleb. As I climb out my window and skate down the familiar path to town, I decide to go back down to the dock and hope he shows up again.

Caleb was strange.

He was a prick, and I had no interest in him at all. I just needed the company.

I guess it wasn't much of a surprise to see the faint glow of a cigarette, and the silhouette of a broken boy leaning against the dock. I quietly trudged through the sand, hoping not to "disturb his thoughts," or whatever. I just don't want him in a pissy mood.

"Hey," I barely whispered.

"Hey," He answered quietly, not looking from the sea.

I followed his gaze, and tried to focus on the waves. For a moment I understand why he likes it here so much, then I feel like I'm intruding.

"Maybe I should go-"

"No don't go," Caleb turns to me and I see tears streaking his face in the moonlight.

"Walker?" I take a step toward him, as he takes a long drag from his cigarette. Caleb runs his free hand through his hair, and wipes his face on his shirt.

"I swear to god if you ever bring this up I'll-"

"Chill," I laugh,"You're human. You have the free right to cry every now and again."

Caleb laughs.

"Just don't do it again, I might cry too..." I say, not completely lying.

"Let's go for a walk, yeah?" Caleb suggests. I shrug my shoulders and grab the cigarette from his mouth, and put it in mine.

It's cherry flavored.

"Cherry?" I tease.

I see Caleb flush in the moonlight, "it's the only thing I could get my hands on."

"I love cherry,"

"Good, cause I didn't ask you," Caleb winks, and I roll my eyes, attempting to blow smoke rings.

"Let me see that," Caleb takes the cigarette.

I watch as he inhales, and exhales. He rounds his mouth perfectly, creating perfect smoke rings. Each one fitting inside the other.

"That's pretty badass. Where'd you learn to do those?"

"I came from the city," Caleb answered quietly. He doesn't have to say anymore.

"What's been eating at you?" I say, curiosity finally getting the best of me.

"Nothin," Caleb tosses the cigarette bud into the ocean.

"Don't lie to me,"

"It's not that big of a deal."

"Obviously it is if you were crying. Stop bull shitting me."

"Just my parents," He says finally.

I scoff," Tell me about it."

Caleb shakes his head and stops walking, "You don't even understand."

"Try me."

"My parents used to love each other," he starts.

I must have produced a really confused look because he continues after a moment of silence.

"They still do. But good things don't last forever do they? I wake up each day wondering when the thin line they're walking on is going to break. I walk into the same room as them knowing anything I do or say, could trigger a fight between them," he pauses and sits on a rock. I sit next to him, "That's all they ever do anymore, is fight. We moved here in the fall because my dad got a new job offer. He promised nothing would change, but he lied. All this island has done since the day we moved here is fuck shit up."

He literally sounds insane, for trying to blame this island for his parents fights. But then again, I have no room to talk.

"My dad passed away when I was eight. A couple months after we moved here. My mom said it was all the city in his lungs that did it for him. But he was an alcoholic. Now she is too," I confess.

"The world is really fucked up," Caleb laughs.

"Yeah it is I guess," I laugh along with him.

Suddenly the world seems to stop. Caleb looks over at me, and it all happens so fast. The next thing I know, his lips are on mine, and I'm kissing a stranger.

I love it.

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