Chapter 5: Brooklyn

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The events from the night before replay through my mind all day. Darkness couldn't come fast enough.

I spot Caleb at the same spot he promised me he would be the night before.

I felt so empty without Barbie, but I didn't feel the need to bring her tonight.

"Do you like coffee?" I ask.

"I'd say I'm an addict," Caleb chuckles and holds up his cigarette, "nothing better than coffee and cigarettes."

"Perfect," I grab his hand and pull him through the sand.

"Whoa, where are you taking me?"

"Don't worry about it," I tease and steal his cigarette yet again.


"Uhm, it says no trespassing under-"

"Shh. I'm a regular costumer," I pull Caleb through a massive hole in the chain link fence.

"Is this even leg-"

I cut him off once again,"I know what I'm doing." We walk through a small, narrow alley way, until we come across a little door, very out of place mixed with the brick wall. Caleb looks extremely confused.

I knock a short and rhythmic code, and open the door slowly.

"Brooklyn!" An old friend named Mario greets Caleb and I, "I see you've brought a friend," Mario seems surprised as he wipes down a table.

"What is this place?" Caleb whispers.

"It's a coffee house," I smile, "The only one on this island open this late. Few people know about it. Now you're one of the lucky few," I reach into Caleb's hoodie and pull out a cigarette pack I knew he was hiding. I grab a lighter from my own pocket and light the cigarette between my lips.

"Uhm, is that-"Caleb starts, but the loud, jolly, laughter of Mario cuts him off.

"Sì, Niño," Mario walks behind a counter with a display of various coffee syrups, "What can I get for you and your, amigo?" He put extra emphasis on amigo. I had never brought anyone here before... Mario had to think something was going on.

I took a seat at the bar and signaled for Caleb to take a seat next to me.

"The usual?" Mario winked and grabbed a cup from under the counter. I nodded, "And what can I get for the gentleman?" He placed an ashtray in front of me.

"Uhm, what do you have...?" Caleb laughed and I chuckled to myself.

"Everything," Mario said as he set my cup under a machine.


"Sì. Everything," Mario confirmed as the machine whirred.

"How about a...Piña colada?" Caleb challenged.

Mario nodded.

"Strawberry cheesecake frappé?"

Mario nodded again.

"Mint chocolate chip frappé,"


"Oh I'm not done," Caleb smirked, "I'll have a mint chocolate chip frappé, with whipped cream, strawberry sprinkles, and topped with a sprig of broccoli."

"As you wish," Mario simply said as he handed me my drink.

"You've got to be kidding me," Caleb scoffed and shook his head.

"He's not," I laugh.

I sat quietly, smoking my cigarette and drinking my coffee. Caleb watched in awe as Mario pulled out a piece of broccoli from under the counter, and finished the drink. He set it in front of Caleb and winked.

Caleb muttered something I couldn't hear, and I laughed.

I had been going to this place for months. I remember stumbling apon it one night. I walked into the cafe, tear streaked face, and Mario took me in. Mario was like the father I never had the chance to meet.

My mom says my father is somewhere in New York, not that I care. But sometimes I wonder what life would be like now, if he would've stayed.

Soft music plays through the small cafe, and interrupts my thoughts. I turn and see Mario leaning on an old juke box. I recognize the song, "something" by The Beatles. Caleb grabs my hand softly and gets off of his stool. He clears his throat, "Uhm.. May I uh, have this dance?" He smiles and I laugh and nod, grabbing his hand. He pulls me to a corner of the room and places both hands on my waist.

"I've never uh, danced with-"

"It's okay. Put your hands here," He gently takes my hands and wraps them around his neck. My hands rest on the nape of his neck, his hands on my waist.

We start to sway slowly, and I rest my head on his shoulder. I hear him singing quietly.

"I don't wanna leave her now. You know I believe and how," Caleb sings softly into my ear. I pull my head away from his shoulder, and meet his eyes. Caleb is hesitant, but our heads seem to pull together slowly, as if we were magnets.

Our lips meet again for the second time, and it is a huge relief. I sink into his chest, and I hear him sigh quietly.

I could have kissed Caleb forever, but the sound of his beeping watch breaks us apart.

"Shit," Caleb mumbles into my lips, "I have to go." He kisses me softly once more. "Meet me at the docks tomorrow?"

"We'll see," I tease. Caleb chuckles and races out of the small cafe.

"Oi señorita,"

I almost forgot about Mario. I gasp and turned around to see Mario leaned against the juke box still.

"Did you-"

"Sí," Mario laughs.

"How long have you-"

"Long enough," Mario winks and disappears behind the counter.

I feel my cheeks flush, and I can't help thinking about what tomorrow will bring.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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