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My name is Y/N L/N. I'm a simple man with friends who are also into anime. Simple, right? My parents have very respectable jobs, and they make my life easier. My father serves in the military, meaning I don't get to see him much, but he has taught me how to defend myself and how to fire a gun. He also is just a heroic man. He managed to save many soldiers and innocents in his time. My mother is a similar hero to. She is a nurse at a medical school, meaning I don't see when she is on work. However, I live on her campus, so I can always ask for help from her. She taught me how to help people with basic injuries, and helped me move on to other more complex methods. My friends are all nice to, and they never show any signs of being a bad person. I had a good life ahead of me.

I'm Y/N. White hair, white hoodie, nice sneakers. I go down over to the school nearby. I made many friends there, and got a reputation of a somewhat badass dude who doesn't take shit. Then again, everyone also calls me adorable so I don't know which one. Nobody ever gives me a clear answer. Bastards. I'm still respected though, so I am glad that I am at least somewhat respected. Most people know me as a kid who is both cute and scary at the same time. Pretty weird combo, but its something.

Currently, it had been a extra hard day for school, even for school standards. More then three tests, tons of homework over the weekend, more reviews, and more projects. It was that time of year again.

I'm to tired to work. I have multiple things due tomorrow anyway. Study, review, homework, study, group project, study, review, projects, homework, to tired for any of this. I need sleep. I look over at my bed, before sighing. I then just jump into it for a couple of seconds. I pull my fluffed blanket over myself, leaving the lights on, my brain to fried to attempt to turn them off. Thankfully, its my work desk.

My room, or dorm, is a college dorm, however, it is bigger then most peoples dorm. My mother works here, so I get the special privilege's. Doesn't mean I can't take high school off though. Damn work, wearing me down. Don't those assfarts ever learn! Homework hurts, not helps!

I'm trying to close my eyes, desperate to not have to work for tomorrow. But the thought of work hurts my ability to think. I'm trying to remember that one anime I was going to watch with my friend. 'What was the name of it again,' I wonder in my head. 'Was it defense on giants or something? Fighting tall men? Something along those lines. I told him I would watch it, and i did. Apparently, the new season came out, and its going to be something revolutionary. I think the series was really good watching it with him, because both of us had no idea of anything. It was just us watching.'

'I'm to tired to tell him. Poor guy must be waiting indefinitely.' I put on my headphones and close my eyes, ready to finally sleep. I need this sleep. It won't matter anyway, when I wake up tomorrow, I will most likely be on my ass studying. I slowly tuck myself in the blanket, ready to fall into bliss,.

'Wish my ass didn't have to deal with this shit tomorrow.'


'What the hell is going on?! Who the hell woke me in my sleep! I have work tomorrow!'

I look around, ready to yell at someone, only to see I'm not in my bed anymore. Instead, I'm in a street, filled with dust and rotten food and garbage. I look at the road outside, and I see soldiers with guns marching around, and lots of people looking around in pain. 

'What in the hell? Where the hell am I? This a dream, or is this real life?'

I touch my forehead and realize I have blood dripping.

'The hell? I was never bleeding when I fell asleep! But how...' I wonder, until I have a sudden thought. 

'What if I'm not in my bed! What if I'm in a different time period somehow! Now that I realize it, those soldiers have a very close resemblance to German soldiers from 1942! But how did I get here in the first place!'

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