Part 3:The Fall

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(Nobody's POV)

It was a normal day for Shiganshina. The birds flew, the people walked and greeted each other, and the sun glowed with its ever present light. The town looked as average as ever, with it looking like happy and content. It radiated its usual positive light. It had only been a few months in Y/n's mission and he had already been accustomed to its lifestyle. Only two people knew that this poor town would no longer be the same after today however. Grisha and his adopted son Y/n, or Alaska to his neighbors and fellow people. Alaska knew that today he may not see his fellow people ever again. OF course, the others might come in a more civil war by just breaking in, but considering their nature, it was only natural that they would break down the walls. 

Eren had woken up from a nightmare, and Y/n knew that he would be having even more when this whole operation was done. However, Y/n still had his part to play. He had to bring the crate he brought with him to the others and then escape. However, when this plan was brought up, Y/n objected to it. He believed that they might accidently kill the user of The Founding if they bust down, and while it caused some debate amongst the participants, in the end, they agreed to smash the wall, saying the chances are to low for them to actually be there. Zeke gave him permission to save people, however, because Zeke felt it still might have risk, even if miniscule. Now, Y/n was in a field with Eren and Mikasa picking up firewood. This will most likely be the last day with peace ever again for these poor two. He wanted to warn them so badly, yet Marley wouldn't let him on his life. He felt like they were true actual family, and losing them would physically hurt him. So, he made every moment count with them...

(Y/n's POV)

I look at Eren waking up. The way he opens his eyes and the way he is moving tells me that he is not ready for today. I look over at Mikasa and see her pulling up Eren and collecting his firewood.

'I pray for nothing but the best for these two. If I somehow survive the wall, then I will meet up with you, I promise.'

The birds started circling me and started to chirp happily before flying off. The wind blew all around me, and the winds voice spoke with a low, light whistle that only those who listened for it could hear.

"Y/n, can you carry Eren's firewood?" "Of course, Mikasa," I reply, desperate that I don't sound like a man on the verge of losing his mind. Mikasa took notice, and ran over to simply give me a tight squeeze before going over to Eren, whispering her encouraging words, only to get lectured by Eren. It got old, but it was still apart of the reasons why I loved these two. I walk over to them, pick up the firewood, and motion for them to come. I look at Eren's firewood, and notice how it has split when he fell. Knowing I can't fix it, I just look into the clouds, praying that Bert don't make these people suffer.

'Knowing Bert though, he most definitely won't bail on the plan. And Reiner being Reiner, he will go along. He will bust down the other wall, and ruin the lives of these people even further. And I can't do anything to help them. The whole point of me after all was to help these people, but with this, I can't even do this simple task without fucking up the whole mission. And to top off this mess, Grisha knows what's happening as well. I will promise one thing to these people though, I will save as many as I can before I activate my titan. And I promise that these people will be able to see their families once more.'

"Y/n? Are you fine? Do you need dad to look over you?" I look over to see Eren looking slightly concerned while Mikasa looks ready to summon a army at my aid. "No, I'm fine Eren. I think I'm just tired. Sorry for bothering you." At these words, Mikasa looks around, a killer aura following her. She knows damn well I slept good enough for me to have some sleep. so this lie was making her worry heavily. 'I always found how overprotective Mikasa is to us very cute. I really hope I don't lose her....'

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