Part 4:The Spin

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(Days before the fall of Wall Maria)

'Y/n, come down to the basement. I need to show you what Marley really is like.'

'But Grisha, I thought I couldn't come down here?'

'Listen, Y/n, I need this to at least tell you about the things Marley has done. I need you to at least understand what you are and who your allies actually are. Or, I guess, Marley. The eldian shifters might not be this way.'

'Is this something that I need to know?'

'Yes, it is. Before I mention, when I give Eren the key, do not mention anything. He needs to find it so he can come to his decision about Marley.'

'Is there a need for him to decide anything?'

'Well, its more about family and his friends out there and their safety. Now, follow me, and I shall show you all about me.'


(Y/n's POV)

I blink my eyes open, ready for the new day of military training. I recently had a dream about a fictional technique called the spin from some book, and I thought it sounds fun. However, it used steel balls and nails, and I'm definitely sure they don't have those as weapons here. However, they do have swords and some type of grapple gear....

"Ill kill......last one......ever......"

'I suppose Eren has adopted a new catch phrase. How....Eren.'

All of a sudden, Mikasa and Eren, almost ironically, wake up. After just five seconds, Armin stirs as well. 

'Almost funny how these three work.'

"Hey, soldiers, wake up. Your commander has to go kill some titans!"

"C-Can you count me in...." Eren looked around before having his eyes spark some, his energy starting to return.

"Well, glad everyone here is awake so I can explain what's happening. So, to make a small story  even more short, I'm going to be joining the military training crap early. As in today."

Everyone blinked four times before actually asking questions.

"How did you get in?!" "Are you going to be alright?!" "Can I have a good name given to the chief or whatever!?"

"Hey, hey, listen, I find it odd how I was induced, but if this is a chance to fight against the titans for what they did, then I will. Also, Eren, when did you get that key chain?"
I point at the basement key chain he had on his neck. Due to the events of what happened, I had no idea it was there. However, I knew Grisha wanted me to guide him their.

"I-I don't know! But, didn't dad just say that this would be useful for the future? Maybe we could use this! Y/n, take this to the military!" "Unfortunately, Eren, I cant. I have certain guidelines I need, and things like that are prohibited, well, at least for me," I lied, praying everyone would fall for it. Fortunately, everyone did. "I understand, Y/n, I'm sorry. Its just, when I think about my mom, I just think about how I want to drive out every individual titan out of this world! That's all!"

"Lots more resolve today, Eren! Cant say I'm surprised. You must have been trying to hide those feelings to make yourself not annoying to me, right?" "Hold on, Y/n, can I ask how did this happen? You must have had a good reason to even so much as have a pass like this!" This time, it was Armin speaking. "Well, I saved the chief from criminals, that's all. He was being ambushed, so I saved him. Simple." Once again, I lied. To be truthful, I think the man himself was lying for his reasons for inviting me. Armin looked at me funny, but decided not to push on the truth. "Anyway, I will have to leave soon. I trust you all can make it there, so I won't make a long goodbye. So, once you all are there, we can finally have a chat." Everyone had a different look, but eventually shook their heads. I was a little surprised by how easy they gave in, but I suppose things are pretty convenient for me. It all works out anyway.

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