Part 6:Investigating

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(Y/n's POV) 

It has been several days since I talked to The Elite 4. I finally know their true, Japanese names! They are Natsuki, Kurami, Shikari and Shizaki. Its funny how close Shikari and Shizaki have similar names until you realize how close they are. Those two are constantly playing poker, constantly screwing with people and both are equally skilled in their departments in fighting. Its almost irony.  

Either way, we have been here for a week and we finally have work to do. I have been working on helping Keith and have just finished the introductory spin lesson. Unfortunately for these kiddos, I can't demonstrate. I have work to do. I have to catchup with Annie and review the plan. 


Currently I'm walking around trying to find Annie. Its almost time for lunch and I'm trying to talk to her quickly before I lose the chance. Luckily, I found her slowly walking to the mess hall. I pulled up right next to her with her face remaining as expressionless as ever. "Yo, Annie! can we talk? I really need some help." Annie scoffed at this request. "You need my help? When? I thought you were strong enough to do everything on your own." I sighed. "Listen, I think me and my guys do some investigating. However, we need to get out someway without looking suspicious. So I came to you for help!" Annie smirked at me before replying. "Why not ask anyone else? Bert could have had a answer. Marcel could have helped. Hell, one of your buds could have helped. Reiner is a no-go however. He is pretty dumb." I let out a even heavier sigh before deciding to speak back. "Listen, you think I didn't ask them? I asked them and they gave me some answers but I didn't get something that made me confident, only worried. That's why I need you. You are the only person with a answer I can trust on!"

Annie stopped her walking and faced directly at me before moving closer to my face. "You are a instructor right? And tomorrow is going to be a weekend right? So say to Shadis that you have to head to Sina or something to do some things involving your spin or whatever." I put my hands on her shoulder before explaining my screwed situation. "Listen, if I did, I would need some sort of representative and maybe some records of the meetings and discussion's. So I don't see how that would-Oh. I get it. I apologize for my slowness." Annie stared at me for a few seconds before letting out a small giggle. "Not one of you thought of that? I might have to become everyone's babysitter! Anyway, go review your schedule and check to see if you have any conflicting plans. If not, investigate away." I gave her a big grin and a even bigger hug before running off. "Thanks Annie!" She only smirked before having it fade from her mouth as she slowly left for the mess hall. 


"So can I go to Sina? Please!!!" I gave a innocent look at Keith in hopes of getting him to approve. Surprisingly, he approved. "I don't see why not. Why do you need those boys though?" I left my mouth open for half a second before quickly shutting it and replying back. "They have the most promise out of all the cadets for the spin! Trust me!" Keith let out a smile small before signing his signature on the piece of paper and passing it to me. "Tell those boys that they are leaving and to pack up anything they need. I assume that they will be helping?" I nodded. "Of course!" Keith let out a big smile at me before pulling me into a hug. "Stay safe Alaska. Don't push yourself to hard!" I smiled at his sweet words before responding back. "I promise!" He smiles before opening the doors letting me inform them as quickly as I can.


"Y/n! The best bro out here! Got us a way to investigate! You are one reliable little warrior! No wonder Pieck is such a fangirl!" All of us gave of a quick laugh before we realized how dangerous this mission is. Kurami decided to speak up first. "As much as I would love to joke around with my friends, I think we need to be serious. We most likely will be chased by the government if they find out we are meddling. So what's the plan? Who do we target? What do we do?" Natsuki responded after around one minute of all of us thinking. "Five soldiers acting as guards. We torture and interrogate them for info. If they give none, we burn them. Its not pretty but its the best shot we have." Shizaki objected this however. "Why can't we just get one or two? And why can't we just get a guy ruling this damn place?" Shikari interjected that point. "It would be harder to capture him without revealing our identities. Its a risk we shouldn't take." At this, I decided to finally speak. "Listen, I have a idea. We are staying here for quite awhile you know. What we need to do is understand how long we can go without sleep. I believe we should follow Natuski's advice, however I think we need to lure a rescue team out. We also need hear. Simple ODM hear is not good enough."

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