chapter 11

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*aro pov*

After Marcus left my office I rushed to my room and layed on my bed thoughts running through my head.

What if she doesn't forgive me

Will she love me again

She probably hates me

She won't love me

Will sculpia try and get revenge

I hurt her deeply

Why didn't I tell her

I feel stupid

I dont deserve her

20 minutes later I collected my thoughts and went to the tower thoughts running through my head still filled with fear and sadness as I opened the tower I saw a crying athadora.

I already knew why I had no time to talk i need to talk sculpia i knocked on her door "come in" she spoke I walked in as soon as I did she got up and came up to me "what's wrong amore" she asked anxious "I need you to sign these" I told her as I handed her the paper "d-divorce paper what is the meaning of this" she whimpers to me.

"Sculpia I have found my true mate and I hurt her deeply by being in this relationship I do not wish to cause ethier of you pain but I love her deeply" I told her it hurt I had been with her for 3,000 she signed the papers and I left almost instantly not wanting to see what was going to happen next I went to my office knowing bonnie was probably asleep.

*Bonnie's pov*

I woke up to a empty bed I got off the bed and took a shower and got dressed

I woke up to a empty bed I got off the bed and took a shower and got dressed

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(I picked it because it has POCKETS)

I started walking down the halls and jane quickly joined "nice to have you back have you made up with your mates" she asks "kinda I'm speaking with caius and Marcus but not aro" I respond as we sat down under a blossom tree in the garden I heard someone come out but ignored it but jane left.

"Mi cara may we speak" I look to see the voice belonged to aro I let out a huff nodding we started to walk and thoughts started running through my head

Does he love us?

He doesn't want us

We shouldn't talk to him

Will he ever love me again?

I should leave

I missed him

Did he miss me?

Should I ask about his wife?


He looks sad

Did I do something

I don't deserve him

"Bonnie" he calls pulling me out of my thoughts "I know you cant forgive me so easily but I want to apologize I should have told you so you would know but I didn't and for that I am deeply sorry-" he was about to continue rambling but I cut him off with a passionate kiss.

His hands wrapped around my waist as he deepens the kiss I pull away resting my forehead against his "you were rambling I didn't think you would stop" I said with a small chuckle "if that is what I have to do to get a kiss I have my work planned out" I let out a laugh and hugged him.

He quickly pulled me close mumbling 'mine' he looked happy again after walking for a bit he left but I stayed watching the stars.

*aros pov*

Leaving my mate sadly walking to the throne room where I was needed I sat on my throne and Marcus showed me the bonds his and cauis were the strongest ones but all were gold then they walked threw the door.

I'm going to go ahead and leave you on a cliffhanger tomorrow I will post another part I want to thank all of of for the support it means alot when I see how many people read and enjoy my books I am brought to tears I never thought I would come this far I'm rambling so I will shut up bye love you all 💋❤

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