chapter 1

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*renesmee's pov*

We were in a nice warm place my sister was smaller because I have to take all the blood she takes the human food she says it tastes nasty "nessie when can I drink blood I need it more" my annoying sister asked me weakly "bon I drink blood you take the human food if it tastes as bad as you said it does"i told her we started to hear voices out side "I was playing with our moms names renne and esme renesmee or is it to wired" our mom asked the people.

"no I like it renesmee" I smelled blood so I moved but hit something hard mom fell "what's going on" asked my sister "I dont know at that moment I got pulled out last thing i heard was her calling me

*Edwards pov*

I pulled out a little girl "look it's renesmee" I handed her to my wife I look down and to see another baby much smaller and weaker I pulled her out "there's another one" I said as carlisle and esme entered.

Rosalie had taken renesmee bellas heart had stopped I I threw the baby making her cry a bit but esme caught her before she could hit the floor i quickly bit bella "why'd you throw her"esme exclaimed as she left to wash her.

We waited and then she came out the baby had red hair, blue eyes and pale skin she was in a red pj we walked out to see the family as we entered everyone looked at the baby esme was holding they looked shocked to see she looked nothing like us.

"Why does it look like that" emmet said walking closer to esme "it's a baby not a it" rose told emmet as she handed me nessie and took the other baby.

*Bonnie's pov*
( she now looks like this)

I look about 8 but my mind is older than it should be I'm not to happy about it cause I have to act like I think like a 7 year old like nessie ir else bella will think I want all the attention

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I look about 8 but my mind is older than it should be I'm not to happy about it cause I have to act like I think like a 7 year old like nessie ir else bella will think I want all the attention.

Nessie was playing, like always the attention was on her I was painting these 3 guys I saw them in a vision I was with them.One had snow blond hair with red eyes (caius) the other one had dark brown hair and red eyes (marcus) the last one had black hair and red eyes (aro). Alice came in with a vase and dropped it I read her mind they were coming I felt happy about it.

I heard everyone talking about immortal children but i needed to go hunting so i did i caught 2 deers before i went back and read a book.

*time skip*

we were going to see the denilis in the car i read my book we got there "what if they dont like me" spoke nessie i dont like her shes mean i dont like using the word hate it's a strong word.

I was ignoring everyone till we got out one of them gasped and threw Edward I dont call him dad anymore before.

anyone else could speak I did " were not immortal our mot- bella conceived us as a human"

they looked like they were listening to me I might enjoy myself while there here "i can show you if you'd let me i dont want to make you uncomfortable" I spoke they nodded letting me know I can I blinded  Edward , bella, nessie, and Jacob the denilis knew it was me I they were about ask me I just nodded and projected my power after the saw they looked at me saddened I may have shown them a bit of how I get ignored I told them not to tell them about what I showed them they nodded "well come" the girl Kate spoke.

A lot of vampires were currently at the house then I heard a car I had thought it was Alice and jasper but it was carlisle and esme I dont like anyone in my coven but i still care for them a guy named Alistair came out of the car said something and then growled at everyone.

He then jumped into the house I went inside I already got everyone's power so not point in being out there I went inside and started playing the piano

(song at the start of the page) after I was done i heard clapping it was Alistair I thought he was mad so I put my head down he walked over and sat next to me he put he fingers under my chin and lifted my head "are you ok" I nodded "show me" I was confused "show me your life little one" since it was only him I put my hand on his cheek after it was done he hugged me

"do you want to go hunting with me I have to feed off animals till I go home" I thought about it for a second "yeah you lead the way " he smiled and went hunting and after we were done we walked home.

Since I was more vampire than human  I dont need to sleep every day and if I do I only sleep about an hour or two so no sleep we talked about my power, how he turned, and more we laughed like crazy when we got home we countied talking everyone was shocked to see me and him talking and laughing.

*Alistairs pov*

I was shockingly enjoying the company of the girl for some reason she made me laugh and smile we got to the cullens home the cullens weren't outside.

when people would stare at us I would growl but she never got scared "i hope you know people are looking because i am a bad person I was born bad and still am darkness is a ugly thing little one" I told the girl I could tell everyone was listening that's why they were so shocked at the wisdom in the little girls words to be fair i was shocked as well.

never had I ever heard such a wise words mostly from a child "evil is not born it's made remember only in the darkness can you see the light of the stars, there's beauty in everything even in silence and darkness and if you admired the beauty in the darkness maybe you could find the light" she spoke.

When I didn't respond she noticed everyone else taking in her words "the girl is wise she could help with out plan" said stefan I growled lowly but it was cut short by.....

The small wise girl "I would but revenge is never the answer that just let's me know even tho I'm not one to judge you. You cant let go of the past so you stay in it and hold a grudge how can you move forward or live you life to the fullest if your focusing on something of the past instead of the future and what is ahead of you" she told them yet again everyone was shocked even stefan and valimar they didn't speak just stare.

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