chapter 5

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*Bonnie's pov*

The next morning I got dressed

Outfit at the top of the page   ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️

We went to a snowy clearing in the front stood bella , Edward , nessie and much to mines and Alistairs dismay we were stuck next to them.

R-   its stands for renesmee

then carlisle started speaking I didn't even look up I could care less who was here

(Conversation started)

Carlisle: "aro let's discuss this in a civilized manner"

Aro: "Fair words carlisle but a little out of place given to the battalion you have assembled against us"

Carlisle: "I can promise that was never my intent No laws have been broken"

Cauis:"We see the children do not treat us as fools"

Carlisle: "They are not immortal these witness can attest to that or you can see the flesh of human blood in there cheeks"


When he said that I instantly looked up meeting his eyes as soon as I did I just wanted to hug him I tore my eyes away and met the brown haired man eyes (Marcus) I pulled away only to meet the black haired man eyes (aro) I tore my eyes away and hid my face in Alistairs side.

Aro: "I will collect every facet of the truth Edward as one of the children cling to your newborn mate I assume you have something to do with this"

Edward walked towards the man and let him take his hand

Aro: "I would like to meet them both one more than the other"

Bella grabs nessies hand while Alistair grabs mine knowing no one else will we walk to the man and his 'brothers' who's names i just figured out are cauis , Marcus and aro is the leader

Aro: "Ah young bella immortality becomes you hahahahhah I can hear there strange heart beats"

Renesmee: "hello aro"
She put her hand on his cheek which made jealously shoot threw me I couldn't help it

Aro: " Magnifco half mortal half immortal  "


Aro: "Do you think they have fooled me brother now do you have a gift"

Edward: "No she doesn't as always useless"

Aro , caius , and Marcus all growled

Bonnie: "Yes I actually do but of course the Olympic coven as always are to simple minded"

Everyone in the voltori smirked as they looked at them and back at me

Aro: "Turning against your family-"

Before he could finish I cut him off

Bonnie:"They are not my family"

Aro: "Very well may I have your hand"

Without fear I gave him my hand and showed him my power

Aro: "Powerful girl you're a perfect fit for a queen"
He whispered under his breath renesmee didn't hear but everyone gasped and looked at me then at the kings

Bella: "She doesn't deserve to be a queen she killed bella if anyone should be queen it's my baby renesmee"

(End of conversation)

I was confused what did they mean by queen aro looked at his brother who gave him his hand

*aros pov*

I looked at Marcus who gave me his hand showing me how strong the bond between our mate and Alistair.

"Alistair would you join us if bonnie did" I asked him knowing bonnie was busy fighting her father threw her mind.

"of course I would only if she wants" he told me looking down at the young girl "amore mio ti piacerebbe venire con noi e alistair in italia" I asked the young girl teasing her hoping she would pout.

"se Alistair se ne va, ovviamente" she told me to say everyone was shocked at how perfect the young girls Italian was a understatement "your not going with these monsters" bella told her as she grabbed her arm.


"se Alistair se ne va, ovviamente" means "if Alistair is going than of course" and "amore mio to piacerebbe venire con noi e Alistair in italia" means "my love would you like to come with us and Alistair to italy"

*Bonnie's pov*

"Your not going with these monsters" bella told me as she grabbed my arm I took down her shield "pain" is all I said before she was on the ground screaming in pain.

nessie was about to cry , Alistair and the voltori were smirking , the cullens were terrified, and the witnesses seemed amused my eyes went black and a burning flame was in them. (sorta like this)

"My dear" aro spoke making the fire in my eyes burn out my eye go from black back to blue as I look back at him they were still smirking "come here" cauis spoke with his hand out I looked at him and took his hand as we started to run

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"My dear" aro spoke making the fire in my eyes burn out my eye go from black back to blue as I look back at him they were still smirking "come here" cauis spoke with his hand out I looked at him and took his hand as we started to run.

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