Slave Brothers

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Gai's Pov

I winced as I was dragged by iron chains that bound my wrist to the small confined room my Master called my home. I called it my prison. That all it was, all it ever will be. It held me from my freedom, the freedom I once possessed.

I was a slave now,me and my brother.Thanks to the no good idiot I used to call my Father. When my mother died along my other three younger siblings, he started becoming very abusive and got drunk every night. After a while, he realized that we weren't  worth the pain, and sold us to a man five times worst than him.

For  weeks we have lived here. Actually, lived or we preferred the word Tortured, barely survived, those are much more appropriate. Every time we do something wrong, we get beaten. Every time I slip  just a drop, I'm beaten.I'm usually the one who get beaten the most when Master is just in a bad mood, because he said I'm his favourite. And boy does it hurt. Scars now cover my body, and old blood mixes with fresh. Sometimes, we thought it would be better if we died   with our mother.

Our Master tells us he no longer wishes to keep us. We were going to be sold again, though I think my life will be much better if I am. But, I hate being owned. I hate someone controlling me, and making me do their every wish and whim. I hate not living my own life. Most of all, I hate our Master.

I just finished getting beat up and was going to my room or I call it cell there was my brother,Spin,waiting for me
When I entered the room he quickly rushed over to me
"Ugh!! I can't believe he did  it again"he said angry. I wanted to cry so bad but suppressed it."Don't worry bro tomorrow we will get a new master and chances are this one will be less rough or atleast treat us right."he said smiling at me. Yeah right there's such thing as a good master.

So every house our Master goes to, to show us off and try to sell us, I don't behave. I'll talk back, make snappy retorts, and sometimes, punch the buyer. I get punished every time I do this, but I don't care. Because by doing this, I show I'm my own person. That I am not a pet!. That no one can break me! My brother keeps telling me to just obey so that I can stop being beaten all the time but I always said NO! to him.

Unfortunately, our Master is growing impatient. I know that if were not bought soon, he will sell me to a glue factory or some such sort thing and spin to a  butcher. I really am not sure if I want to die yet.

Tomorrow, our Master is taking me to a rich family called the Arashi's. They have so much money, and many servants. Apparently, they are rumored to be nicer to their slaves then most people. They give them food and a place to sleep, not to mention they don't beat you up every single time you talk back. If I must be sold to anyone, then I guess this is the best place. But I don't wish to be sold, and like I said before, I don't wish to be owned.

I slowly lay down on the cot I have been given and check my wounds to make sure none are infected. A large gash on my back is still bleeding,but thanks to spin its only a little. 

Once done with my wounds, I stare at the ceiling, trying to make myself fall into a sleep. But for some reason, I couldn't. Too many questions swarmed my mind too many left unanswered. Should I be good tomorrow and let myself be bought? Should I rebel like I always do? Could this family really true as the rumors had said.Or are they like all the other slave masters, unforgiving and abusing.I know I'm just making my life more painful and miserable by what I am doing but that's just me.

I couldn't even answer my own questions since I fell asleep.

I shifted a bit in my bed, wincing because of the wound on my back. My wrists were still bound in shackles, but I knew those wouldn't be coming off for a while. Even if I could pick the lock, He would just put them back on and punish me. I learnt that the hard way.

I woke up to a rough kick in my side.

"Get up you imbeciles " Master  in a gruff voice commanded. I scrambled upward, off the floor where I had landed and stood before Master. He threw some clothes in my face, which I desperately tried to catch, before saying, "come to the entrance way once you are done changing." I nodded, and he left the small room.I looked to my brother who was still changing. I rarely spoke back to Master now a days. At selling, always, but that's only because he can not punish me in his usual way in front of a client. At home, well, things could get very unpleasant for me.

I changed as quickly as I could, slipping on the light brown shirt and dark-brown breeches. An dark green tunic went over the shirt, and a pair of shoes were slipped onto my feet.

I knew why he chose these things specifically. The tunic was supposed to show my body build. Apparently, boys with more muscular builds were much more valuable, since they could do harder work than most. The green and brown colors were to match my hair and eyes to give me a more handsome look. I knew this worked since five girls had begged their fathers to buy me before I called them 'mindless zombies'. After that they pretty much shut up.

When I reached the entrance hall, Master was already waiting for us with shackels. He bound my hands in metal shackles, and did the same to my brother. Before, our Master had removed them so I could get changed, but now, I was trapped once more.

Master pushed me forward, and I stumbled the first few steps, only able to shuffle in very small movements. Even with my ankles bound, I kept up the pace of Master, only pausing for half-a-second to catch my breath.

'Hurry up you good for nothin varments!" He pushed me again, and thins time I fell face first into the dirt, unable to catch myself in time. Spin helped me up. Dust dirtied my clothes as I tried to pick myself up. Master growled and grabbed the back of my tunic, pulling me up. I yelped at this sudden surprise, but was quiet thereafter.

"Remember Gai, this is your last chance. I wouldn't waste it." He said before climbing into the carriage. I gulped, before scurrying in after him.

"Now hurry UP!"

If this was my last chance, I had better make it worth it.
I don't know what waits ahead of us but as long as I'm with my brother I can get through this.

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