Sister talk

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"So sis,how do you like the new guys?"rema said as she poured her and miyo a cup of tea.

"They're alright" said miyo taking her cup and started sipping. Rema noticed her sister looking kinda sad so she asked "what's wrong?"

"I now know gai's past" she looked at her. "He told you?" rema asked eyebrow raised.
"Well no I sort of forced him to talk"she admitted. "What? why did you do that?" Rema asked worried that there will be tension between miyo and gai. "I was really curious and wanted to help him.He looked so broken,their past was really something.."

Rema nodded "yeah I know,I feel sorry for them"  "you knew?"questioned miyo. Rema nodded "His brother,Spin,told me the other day"she said. "He told you openly by free will" again rema nodded sipping her tea "he cried a little  and I comforted him...honestly he looked kinda cute tough on the outside,soft on the inside". "Like you?"
Rema shrugged "I guess".
"You like him don't ya?"miyo said in a lenny face. Rema almost choked on her tea "what no! Well maybe I'm beginning to have interest...but I need to know his personality more" she said.Miyo nodded, pouring another cup of tea.

"I'm worried...what if he hates me now?" She said looking down.Rema grabbed her hand "I'm sure he doesn't, you just have to apologize to him when his better" she said to her almost crying sister. "Thanks,that's exactly what I'm gonna do next time I see him" miyo smiled.

"Do you perhaps have a crush on him" rema asked as her sister blushed "m-maybe a little I mean he is nice and polite and a gentlemen and-" "ok ok I get it" rema laughed stopping miyo from rambling.They both smiled.

"I'm just worried,do you think father will approve of this?" Asked miyo afraid of their dad's reaction. Rema's smile dropped "I'm sure he will, you know he doesn't care who we will marry as long as that person is genuine" said rema, miyo smiled and then frowned again "but...."

"Yeah...I know...we are suppose to marry...them." They both fell silent.


The two looked at the door opening, Sir Liu's head poked "Um excuse me miss miyo,miss rema. Master Arashi is calling you two" he said.

"I see thanks liu, tell him we'll be there in a moment" Rema said.Liu nodded and closed the door. "Well I guess we better go and see father" miyo said to her sis.
Rema nodded "Yeah but let's put this in the sink first". After that they went to go see their father.

Yeah sorry if this is short...this was more like
A chapter of what the two thought about the boys.

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