The Arena

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"Get up TB-42 and YN-41."

I opened my eyes as I heard some tell us to get up. I sat up and walked over to the small chest in the corner and grabbed my clothes. I was dimly aware of my twin getting up.

"Do you want to get changed first?" I asked him.

"You can if you want." he replied in his monotone voice.

I made my way over to the bathroom door in the corner of the "room" and opened the door. I stepped inside the tiny bathroom and closed the door. I looked in the mirror above the sink and took note to how dirty I looked. My (h/c) hair was tangled and covered in dirt and grime, my face was covered in dirt and scars from the arena, my once grey wings were now an almost black. I sighed and started to get changed. 

I came out five minutes later wearing (f/c) shirt and a pair of dark jeans. I had a (s/f/c) cape on, with it resting neatly on my shoulders. I gave a quick nod to my brother, taking note that he looked as dirty as me, his once bright pink hair now a dull pink, he too was covered in scars.  I made my way to my bed and sat down, waiting for someone to pick me and my brother up for breakfast.

-10 minutes later-

"TB-42 and YN-41, please follow me to the mess hall." came a voice from the other side of the door, I heard a latch click and the door opened to reveal a tall man with black hair and brown eyes. Over the years I learned that his name was Ty, he is our guard.

My brother and I stood up and followed Ty out of the "room" and down the maze like halls of the facility that we lived in. after what felt like hours we reached a set of double doors and we went through. Inside was a cafeteria filled with hybrids, ranging from bees, to deer, even rats. I myself am a bird hybrid and my brother is a piglin hybrid. 

My brother and I went got our food and sat at a table in a far corner, we started talking about strategies and other random things until another decided to join us. He had two different skin tones, one half being pure white the other half being pitch black, he also had red and green eyes. I made the conclusion that he was half enderman, the other half I could not recognize, though I had a hunch that it was gast.

"Can we help you?" my brother asked.

I elbowed him in the side, letting him know he was being a little rude.

"H-hi, can I sit with you guys?" he asked.

"I don't see why not." I said, much to my brother's protest.

  He gave us a small smile and sat down.

"So what's your name kid?" I asked.

"The guards call me RB-61, I don't remember my real name though." he replied.

"That's ok, we don't remember our real names ether." I said, giving him a reassuring smile.

"I'm YN-41 and this is my twin brother TB-42, or well that's what the guards call us." I added.

"Well its nice to meet you." 

"So what type of hybrid are you?" my brother asked, which surprised me.

"Oh! I'm an Enderman hybrid, I don't remember what the other half is." he said.

"Well I'm a bird hybrid." I said.

"And I'm a piglin." replied my brother.

Then a voice came through the speaker system in the mess hall,

"Will all hybrid numbers 30-40 come to the arena."

I sighed and stood up.

"Well it was nice meeting you RB, but we have to go." I said looking at him

"It was nice meeting you as well, and good luck." he replied.

I then turned to the door labeled 40 and walked through, on the other side I was greeted with a small room with a bench on the far wall, directly infront of me was an opening that lead to a dirt  arena with stands circling it, to my immediate right and left were weapons, all ranging from melee to long range, from swords, to war hammers.

I made my way to a gleaming black netherite sword, I picked it up and put it in the sheath that was attached to my belt, out of the corner of my eye I could see my brother also go for a netherite sword. I then made my way over to the bench and sat down, my brother following shortly.

"You nervous?" he asked.

"Yah, I mean who wouldn't, there is a chance of one if not both of us dyeing or being sold today." I replied.

little did I know that that was going to be one of the last things I said to my brother for the next 3 years.

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