The visit

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Reader's POV:

A month. That's how long it's been since I last saw Tommy. I was worried sick. 

I was currently laying on my roof, looking at the sky. I've been doing this lately. It's the closest I could get to sky nowadays.

I heard someone teleport.

"Mind if I join you?" Ranboo asked.

"Not at all." I said.

Ranboo laid down next to me.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked me.

"Who says that I'm thinking about anything?" I asked.

"You're my bestfriend (Y/N/N), I can tell when something's on your mind." He replied.

I chuckled.

"You got me."

"So? What's on your mind?" He asked again.

"I'm worried for Tommy." I said.

We sat in silence for a bit.

"I'm worried for him too." He said after a while.

"I want to visit him but shortly after he was exiled Dream came up to me and threatened to hurt Tommy if I came to visit him." I said.

"Then don't let Dream find out." Ranboo said.

"It's not that easy Ranboo." I said.

"Dream is like a god, he always knows." I added.

"Well then you're gonna have to be extra carful." Ranboo said.

I chuckled again.

"Ok, I can try but the thing is I don't know where Tommy is." I said.

"Well I did see a new path in the nether, it might lead to a nether portal that he built." Ranboo said.

"But what if it doesn't?" I say.

"Then it doesn't but you can't know if you don't try."

I sighed.

"You're right." I said getting up.

"I won't know unless if I try."

-Hours later-

It was the dead of night and I was making my way to the portal hub. So far, no one has tried to stop me, thankfully. 

Soon I came to the portal. It was bigger from what I remember. I shrugged it off and stepped through the portal. When I stepped out again I was greeted by the warmth of the nether. I always felt more comfortable in the nether, probably because I had some piglin blood running through my veins.

As I looked around I noticed a new path leading into the unknown. This must be the path that Ranboo was talking about.

Taking a deep breath, I followed the path.


Soon I came to a cliff, and what I saw still haunts me to this day.

There, at the very edge of the cliff, was Tommy. From what I could see his cloths were torn in places and he had a tired look on his face.

I started to walk towards him, I was about to call out to him when he stepped of the ledge.

"Shit." I said, breaking into a sprint.

I managed to get there in time before he was out of my reach. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and managed to pull him up. I pulled him into a hug and held him close.

"(Y/N/N)?" He quietly asked.

"I'm here Tommy. I'm here." I said, rubbing circles onto his back.

"Why did you stop me?" He asked. 

"Because you're my little brother and I care about you. Why wouldn't I?"I asked.

"Then why didn't you visit?" He asked.

I sighed.

"There's alot more going on then you might realize." I said.

I could feel Tommy's tears soaking my shirt but I didn't care.

"You could have at least visited me." He said.

"Tommy...." I said.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU VISIT!?" He shouted.

I sighed.

"Tommy, Dream threatened to hurt you if I came to visit you." I said.

"What?..." He asked, looking up at me.

His eyes looked empty, and he didn't have that playful spark in his eyes.

"No...You're lying. Dream is my friend, he would allow you to visit....right?" He said.

"Why do you think Dream is your friend?" I asked.

"He's the only one who visits me." He said.

"He makes sure that I'm ok. He was the only one to come to my beach party." 

When he mentioned a beach party I grew confused.

"What beach party?" 

Now it was his turn to be confused.

"Did you not get an invitation from Ghostbur?" He asked.

"No. Was I supposed to?" I asked.

"Did anyone get an invitation?" He asked.

"I don't think so no." I said.


"Tommy are you sure that Dream is your friend?"

He stayed silent for a while.

"I...I don't know...." He said.

I sighed and pulled him close.

"Are you happy there Tommy?"

"No I guess not..." He said.

"Then why don't you leave?"

"Where would I go?"

I thought for a moment.

"If you leave, I will come find you. If you are with someone else when I do, if I deem them safe, I will leave you with them."


"I will protect you." I said, making the same promise to Tommy that Techno made to me all those years ago.

"I promise."

New chapter pog.
Sorry that this took so long to do the co-author is busy this week so updates might be a little slow, but I'm on spring break so I will hopefully update a little more than usual.

Until next time my fallen demons.

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