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Reader's POV:

"!#@!#$%#2, take the kids and run!!" came a male voice.

I looked around all I could see were flames. It was getting warmer. I then saw someone run up to me and pick me up and carry me out of the house. I looked over there shoulder and there were two men chasing after us. I buried my head into the shoulder of whoever was carrying me, tears running down my face.

There was a sound of a gun going off and the person who was carrying me fell to the ground. I fell to the ground.

"RUN YOU TWO!!" The female who was carrying me said.

I felt someone grab my hand and drag me deeper into the forest.

"Come on (Y/N), just a little farther and we'll be safe." Said the kid in front of me. I recognized them as Technoblade.

"Come on just a little farther." He muttered again.

Then another gunshot rang though the woods and Techno dropped to the ground clutching his calf, I could see the blood running through his fingers.

(Y/N) go I'll be fine." He said.

"No I'm not going to leave you." I said, helping him to his feet.

With me supporting him, we made our way through the woods, in the distance I could see the lights of a house.

Then another gun shot rang out and everything went black.


I woke up in a cold sweat. Panting, I looked around my small temporary house. Then I heard a ding from my communicator. I looked over at it and grabbed it. I turned it on to see a text message from Tommy.

Are you awake?

Yah, what's up?

he didn't respond for a while.

Can I come over to your house?

This caught me off guard.

I don't see why not. May I aske why?

He didn't respond. After a good fifteen minutes I heard a knock on my door. Getting up from my bed I made my way over to my door and opened it. On the other side was Tommy. I let him in and led him to my small kitchen and sat him down at the table.

"Would you like some tea?" I asked.

"Sure I guess..." He said.

I sighed and started to boil some water. While the water was boiling we sat in silence.

Soon the water was done boiling and I finished making the tea. I gave Tommy his cup and I sat down.

"So why did you want to come over?" I asked.

"You'll probably think it's dumb." Tommy muttered.

"Tommy I won't think it's dumb." I said.

"Fine, I'll tell you."

"I had a nightmare."

"What was it about?" I asked.

"So you remember when I did the face off with Dream?" He asked.


"Well I had a nightmare that I didn't survive that." He said.

"And why would you think that's dumb?" I asked.

He looked up at me.

"Because I'm 16 and having nightmares."

"Tommy I still get nightmares, in fact I was awake because of one."

"Oh, well what was your's about?" He asked me.

This was something I rarely saw. Tommy barely showed this kinder side of him.

"Well, I'm guessing it was more of a Memory."

He rose an eyebrow.

"How so?"

"Well, I was at my childhood home."

"Like Phil's house?"

"No, it was the house that Techno and I lived in before we were taken to the facility."

"Anyway, the house was on fire, a male voice called out, telling someone to take Techno and I and run. We made it to the woods before a gun was fired and the tree of us fell to the ground, the person who was carrying Techno and I told us to run and so we did."


"Yeah, well we ran for a little longer before Techno was shot in the leg, he told me to go without him, I said no and with me acting as a crutch, we continued running, then another gunshot and everything went black." I said.

We sat in silence for a bit before Tommy stood up.

"I should start heading back."

"Yeah no, it's still dark out. You can sleep on the couch, I'll get you a blanket and pillow." I said.

"But you let me walk here."

"Yeah, because I was tired and didn't think much of it." I said.

Tommy sighed knowing that it was pointless to argue.

Soon I returned to the living room with a blanket and I handed it to Tommy.

"Know get some sleep, it looks like you need it." I said.

He laid down and about a minute later I could hear soft snores coming from his body.

I chuckled quietly and made my way over to my bed and laid down. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.

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