The Last Dance

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Enjoy dear readers.

Reader's POV: 

It was nearing Christmas and I had a present for everyone but Ranboo. It was a week from Christmas and I had no idea what to get the enderman hybrid.

I was sitting in the living room, pondering on what to get him when Techno walked in.

"What's up?" He asked.

"I can't figure out what to get Ranboo for Christmas." I said.

We sat in silence for a moment.

"I know, the other day he was complaining on how his armor broke because he forgot to put mending on it." Techno said.

"How did he forget to do that?" I asked.

"I don't know but maybe you can get him another set but with better enchants and it actually has mending on it." He suggested.

"That's a really good idea." I said.

"If you do do this, then I'm coming with you." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because the last time I left you alone, you almost died." He pointed out.

"True." I said.

-The next day-

Techno and I were doing some last minute preparations for our nether expedition when Michael came running up to us.

"Uncle T-no, Auntie (first letter of first name)!!" He shouted.

He ran into my arms and I picked him up.

"Aye how's my favorite nephew doing?" I asked.

"I'm doing great Auntie." He replied with a big smile, which I returned. I swear his smile were contagious.

"So what did you need tiny?" I asked, using the nickname that I gave him.

"I was wondering if you wanted to play with me." He said.

I set him down.

"I'm sorry buddy, but your uncle and I are going to be getting a gift for your dad." I said.

"Otay." He said before running off towards the dogs.

I chuckled, that kid was definitely something.

I turned to Techno.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Ready as I'll every be." He replied.

-Few hours later-

Techno and I were walking back to the portal, 16 pieces of ancient debris in our inventory. We were walking along the edge of a cliff that dropped down to lava but we were keeping our distance, as to not fall into it. We were talking about all sorts of things, ranging from fun childhood memories, like when I fell into a creek, to battle strategies for whatever reason. I had my pickaxe slung over my shoulder.

Suddenly Techno stopped walking, his once smiling face was now a cold hard glare. I gave him a confused look and stopped walking.

"You good Techno?" I asked.

He pointed to something in front of us, my gaze followed his finger and my eyes landed on a person that I was hoping that I would never see again.


I immediately put my pick away and unsheathed my sword.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked.

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