Rules of Revellion

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Revellion Private School


(Students' Paper)

1. Respect for others and all school and individual property is a characteristic of our school. Good behaviour is expected   

        from all students at all times.

2. In Revellion, students are allowed to have their own style uniform. Accessories are also allowed except jewelry.

3. Students need a pass to leave the school grounds. All visitors are to report to the main office.

4. Smoking is not allowed

5. Students can bring vehicles to school after they were given permission by their parents and the principal.

6. All students are expected to be well mannered, pleasant, courteous and cooperative.

7. Alcohol and other drugs and solvents are not permitted in school or at any other official school function. 

8. It is a privilege to represent the school so students selected will do so with pride. 

9. Cell phones and other electronic devices are not to be used during class time unless specifically directed to do so by a  


Classroom Rules

1.  The teacher facilitates learning in classrooms and students follow instructions.                                

2.  Be punctual for all classes and have all necessary equipment.                                                   

3.  Behaviours which interrupt learning or distract others are not acceptable.                    

4.  Respect the rights of others and their property.                                                                  

5.  Speak respectfully at all times. Put downs and offensive language are unacceptable in class


We will give them a rebuke if they do something they shouldn't. If they still repeat it, we will give them a suitable punishment for them.






































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[Source : Google]

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