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"Ally." My dad knocked on the door. "Time for school."

No. No no no no no. Not the new school. I refuse. This is the 10th different school! There's no way I'm going.


I just remained silent, hoping he would give up and just home school me or something. But, I've tried that before, plenty of times, and it never worked. Never.

"Ally, don't make me come in there!"

I suddenly decided that maybe I should just pretend to be sick. So, I quickly and quietly got up, went into my bathroom, and put some powder on my face to make me look paler, not that I wasn't already pale, but to make it look like I was sick. Then, I went back into my room, and got back in bed, knowing that my dad would come in.

"I'm coming in!" He then opened the door and I groaned.

"Daddy." I coughed. "I don't feel good."

"Oh, Ally."

Great.. He isn't buying it, is he?

"Let me check your temperature." He walked out of the room.

No. Don't get the thermometer.. No.. I.. NO! He brought the thermometer in.

"Here." He said and stuck the thermometer in my mouth.

"Can you get me a blanket?"

I had to distract him so I could somehow heat the thermometer.


As soon as he walked out of my room, I placed the tip of the thermometer above my table lamp, and quickly put it back in my mouth once I heard my fathers footsteps.

"Here you go, Alls." He said and placed the blanket on me.

"Woah.. You've got a high temperature. Maybe I should take you to the doctor."

I widened my eyes. "DAD! No! I faked it okay! I just didn't want to go to school!"

"Ally, you just don't want to go to the doctor, come on."

I shook my head. "I'm serious. I faked it. I put the thermometer against my table lamp to heat it up."

He looked closely at me. "But you look pale."

I sighed. "I always look pale."

He shook his head. "More pale than usual."

"It's powder! See!" I said and rubbed it off.

"Ally Dawson!"

I sighed. "Sorry dad. I'll get ready for school."

I rushed into the bathroom, slipped some clothes on, brushed my hair, and put my glasses on.

"Gotta go, daddio." I said and left before he could say anything.

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