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"Hi, I'm new. Is this where I get my schedule?" I questioned.

The lady looked up and glanced at me, then looked back down at the papers she had been reading. "Name?"

I looked around the office, glancing at all of the pictures and paintings on the walls, the uncomfortable looking seats, a few students who seemed to be in trouble.

Students in trouble already? Classes haven't even begun.. What could they have done?

"Allyson Dawson."

"Ah, yes. Here ya are, Allyson." The lady picked up a few papers and placed them on the counter. "That's your schedule, and locker combination. I am Ms. Hoover. I am the vice principal."

Vice principal? She looks and acts more like a secretary. I should know since this is my 10th high school.


I studied the papers for a few moments, and decided I should locate my locker before the bell rang.

Where's my locker? Where is it? Ah! Here it is.

I opened my locker and put a few of my things in it, and shut it. There was a blonde guy standing in front of the locker next to mine, with his back turned to me. He seemed to be talking to someone.

Normally, I try not to talk to anyone too much every time I go to a new school, but I thought it would be polite to introduce myself.

"Excuse me." I gently tapped my fingers against his back.

He turned around to face me, and he looked angry that I interrupted his conversation with his ginger friend.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I just thought-"

Then the bell rang.

"Sorry, uh.. Do you know where Mr. Benson' class is?"

He chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Beat it, kid."

Rude much?

"Don't worry about him. He's a jerk." A Latino girl said and linked her arm in mine. "I have Mr. Bensons class right now anyway. I'll show you the way."

"Thanks. I'm Allyson." I introduced.

"Trish. Nice to meet you."

"Pleasure to meet you too."

At least someone's nice.

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