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"So, you found a new friend?" A giddy redheaded guy chirped to Trish, pointing to me.

Great. I'm considered her friend now? I can't get too close..

"Yeah. This is Allyson."

The ginger walked closer to me, and hugged me. "I'm Dez." He introduced himself.

I looked at Trish, as if asking why a creepy weird dressed red head was touching me.

"He likes hugging people." Trish pointed out.

"I see that.." I pushed Dez away gently. "I'm not a hugger."

The tall ginger slumped his shoulders and nodded disappointedly. "Sorry."

As I got settled into my seat, ready for class to begin, I heard footsteps, and I couldn't help but direct my attention to the door.

There he was. The tall, blonde douchebag who didn't even have the curtesy to say hello. He was dressed in ripped skinny jeans, a grey t shirt, and a leather jacket. I'd say he's your typical high school douchebag.

"Dez. Here. Now." The blonde demanded the ginger to sit next to him.

It was just then when I remembered that the blonde had been talking to a ginger in the hallway, and it appears to be that Dez is that guy.

I turned to Trish. "I thought.."

"No, he's not as friendly as he seems. He's just like Austin.. Except he at least tries to be friends at first.. Until Austin tells him to stop."

I looked over at the two, they were whispering to each other, as if they were telling secrets or something. For some reason, I couldn't help but stare at the blonde though, there was something about him, and I don't know what it is. Suddenly, I saw his eyes change direction, he noticed me staring.

I quickly looked down at my desk.

"Yo." Someone said.

I continued to look at my desk.

"HEY NEW KID! I'M TALKING TO YOU!" This time the person was also tapping my shoulder vigorously.

I looked up and there was blondie. "Who do you think you are?"

I began to tremble, and I turned my head to look away. He grabbed my face and turned my head to make me look at him. "I'm talking to you! Who. Do. You. Think. You. Are?!"

I tried to look away again, but he jerked my head toward him again. "Huh? Are you even listening?"

"I..." I stumbled to find words, but couldn't find what to say.

"Forget it! Just don't look at me again. Okay?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I.."

"Whatever." He then let go of my face and turned to walk away.

I was suddenly relieved. But, he turned back around.

"I.. I'm sorry.." I murmured quietly.

"Awh. How cute, you think an apology will make me so happy." He chuckled.

"You know what, maybe you should just go along the rest of the day without these. Maybe it will be easier for you." He then slid my glasses off of my face, and I couldn't see very well now. I have the worst vision without my glasses.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of something hitting the floor, and something being crushed.

My glasses..

"Hey, I need those.." I muttered feeling around, trying to find my glasses, hoping he didn't actually break them.

Where is the teacher..? Why isn't anyone doing anything?

"Austin Moon! What have you done now?" An adult voice boomed.

"Nothing, Ms. Benson." He lied.

"Then what's that under your shoe. Hm?" She began. "It looks like you have broken someones glasses."

"It was an accident." He laughed nervously.

"Principals office. Now." She demanded.

"Allyson, can you see how many fingers I'm holding up?" She asked.

I shook my head. "I can barely even see you! How do you expect me to count your non existent fingers."

"Do you have another pair of glasses?" She questioned.

"No ma'am."

"I tell you what. I'll have someone take you home, and I'll make Austin buy you a new pair by tomorrow. Okay?" She said softly.

I nodded.

Soon, someone walked up to me. "Can you see enough to walk out of class with me?" A voice questioned.

I nodded and got up and began to walk, but I couldn't see very well, so I tripped and fell.

"Are you okay?" The person questioned.

"My ankle really hurts.."

"Dallas, just take her to the emergency room. I think she may have broken a bone." I heard the teacher say to whoever is helping me.

"Okay, I will." The guy picked me up and carried me to the car.

"Who are you?" I asked as he drove me to the hospital.

"I'm Dallas."

Footloose! (Austin and Ally)Where stories live. Discover now