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"So, your name is Allyson, right?" Dallas helped me into the hospital.


"Alright." He sat me in a seat and went over to the desk to check me in.

I waited patiently, chewing my hair a little.

"Allyson Dawson." I hear a female say and before I knew it Dallas and I were in a exam room.

"And what is your relation to her, sir?" The lady asked.

"Oh.. Actually, I'm just a guy who goes to her school. Someone took her glasses and broke them, and she fell because she couldn't see."

Wow. That explanation was pretty much spot on.

"Where's your family, miss Dawson?"

I did my best to look in the nurses direction, and squinted my eyes, trying to see her.

"Actually, ma'am, this happened at school. My father is at work." I shrugged my shoulders and gave up on trying to see her.

"Give me a second." Dallas said, then I could hear him reach into his pocket.

He then placed a new pair of glasses on my face. "Better?"

I blinked my eyes a couple of times, and looked around.

"Actually, these are even better than my old glasses." I said happily. "Where'd you get these?"

"They were an old pair of mine. I wear contacts now.."

I shrugged.

"Now, let's see.. Your father is at work.. Hm, where is your mother?" The nurse asked. I glanced at her name tag.

"Uh, actually, Mrs.Moon, I uh.. She left me and my dad when I was a child.." I muttered and looked down.

"Mrs Moon..." Dallas trailed off. It seemed as if he wasn't talking to her, but realizing who she was.

"Yes, dear?"

"Do you happen to know Austin Moon?" He questioned.

"Of course."

"YOUR SON DI- MNSOSHSJQP." I covered his mouth, making the rest of the sentence gibberish.

"He means; your son did an amazing job in music class today." I faked a smile.

Dallas gave me a look of concern.

I just mouthed something to him;

If you tell her, the situation will be worse.

He sighed and looked away.

~hours later~

"Umm.. Thanks again, Dallas. For everything."

He smiled. "No worries."

I took off the glasses and held them toward him. "Here's your glasses."

"You need them more than I do." He placed them back on my face.

"Thanks." I smiled and waved at him before making my way to the front door, which was kind of hard, because I'm not used to a cast and crutches.

"Here." He laughed softly and grabbed my crutches and leaned them against the outside wall, then picked me up bridal style and carrying me inside, then bringing me my crutches.

"You got it from here?" He questioned.


He nodded and walked toward the door, but then stopped. "Oh, what time should I be here tomorrow morning?"

I tilted my head in confusion. "What?"

"I'm going to pick you up and take you to school tomorrow. It'll be easier than walking or taking the bus."

That made me smile. No one has ever been this nice to me.


I looked at the wall, where a clock was and pondered.

"Be here at 6 am." I smiled wide.

"6? School doesn't start until 8.."

"Trust me. I want to show you something tomorrow.. Okay?"

He laughed softly and bent over, then kissed my head. "Whatever you need."

Footloose! (Austin and Ally)Where stories live. Discover now