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I opened my eyes and looked at the clock, but I couldn't tell what it said. So, I put on the glasses that Dallas gave me, and realized that it was almost 6. I quickly got up, got my crutches and went to my closet. I put on some clothes and walked out of my room, I was going to go downstairs.

I'm doomed.

"Ally." My father yelled.

I smiled.

I'm saved.

"Dad, you're home! You must have got home while I was asleep." I yelled and he walked upstairs.

"Honey, what happened? Where's your old glasses? And what happened to your foot?" He asked.

If I tell him what really happened, he'll probably take me and we'll move again..

"Oh, I took my glasses off for only a second at school to rub my eyes, but they fell and broke, so the teacher got someone to take me home, but I couldn't see to walk, so I fell. So, Dallas took me to the hospital, and he also gave me these glasses, and he brought me home."

It wasn't entirely a lie. My glasses did break, I did fall, the teacher did get Dallas to take me to the hospital, and he did give me the glasses and brought me home.

"Who's Dallas?" He asked.

"Someone that goes to my school. He also carried me upstairs because I couldn't manage to with my crutches. He's going to come over today by the way." I said.


Typical. He's worrying about it being a guy. He should know better though, I really don't want to be in a relationship right now.

"Remember, I don't want to be in a relationship. He's a friend." I assured.

"Okay, when's he coming?"

"I told him to be here by 6." I smiled.

"6?" He questioned.

"I wanted to show him something, and get to know him better."

"Okay. That must be him now." He said after the door bell rang.

"Let him in, please, daddy." I said and he nodded, then let Dallas in.

I watched them from where I was.

"Oh, hi Mr. Dawson. I'm Dallas." Dallas introduced after dad let him in.

"Just call me Lester. Ally is upstairs." My dad explained.

"Oh, she goes by Ally? I thought-"

"Sorry, I call her Ally. She only likes people that she's real close to calling her that. Maybe one day you'll get that privilege."

Dallas then walked up the stairs and approached me.

"You're late." I said with a sly smile.

"It's 6:01.." Dallas said.

"See? One minute late. Better watch it mister." I joked.

"What did you want to show me?" He questioned.

"Follow me." I instructed.

"Nah. Just tell me where to go." He took my crutches and put them against the wall, them picked me up and put me on his back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he grabbed hold of me by holding my legs.

Yay, piggy back ride. I haven't had one of those in a while.

"To the left." I instructed.

"The room to the left?"

"Yep. Gooooo." I laughed. "Now sit me down right there." I pointed to the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2015 ⏰

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