Chapter 6

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They were taken to an empty warehouse. The windows were all boarded up and it looked like it had been abandoned for a couple of years. Neglect and disuse were shown in the decaying wood beams and the disgusting grime-covered floor. Aylee was still unconscious but began to show signs of waking. Shoto chose to keep this important observation to himself when he noticed her face twitch. He only hoped that she would wake up soon and get away.

A light blue-haired man was impatiently pacing back and forth a couple of yards away in the center of the abandoned building. A large hand acted as a mask and covered his face from view, except for his malevolent red eyes. He seemed to be waiting for them to arrive while muttering indecipherable things to himself.

One quick glance at him and Shoto could tell that this villain was definitely easy to irritate and absolutely unhinged

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One quick glance at him and Shoto could tell that this villain was definitely easy to irritate and absolutely unhinged.

They walked over to the man who hadn't noticed their arrival at first, but his calculating gaze landed on the approaching group. Eagerly he examined the hostages trapped in his subordinates arms. The man let out a low and raspy cackle as he took in the sight before him.

"You got the brat," his voice carried and unpleasantly grated against Shoto's eardrums. If the blonde girl didn't restrain him so painfully, he would have covered his ears from the unsettling noise. It seemed like the man wasn't expecting an actual response to his question and turned his eyes to the unconscious member of their party. "Whatcha got there, Dabi?"

Dabi gives a little smirk at Shigaraki and said, "A tool we can use to get the kid to comply a little easier."

"Excellent, do I need to order you to do everything or can you handle this?"

Dabi turned around sharply scoffing in disgust at Shigaraki's efforts to belittle him in front of everyone. He walked towards the only room with an intact door. The flame villain didn't outwardly show his real emotions to the rest of his comrades. He wouldn't ever trust anyone to gain that kind of knowledge without using it against him. Dabi shifted the woman in his arms slightly to turn the knob on the door before walking into the dark and somewhat damp room. It was freezing and if he could feel it, that must mean that it was close to freezing for her. That would be useful and tilted the scales in Dabi's favor. After all, he had no obligation to make her comfortable. He smiled at her shivering body and eyed the various cuts and bruises, courtesy of Toga.

He sat her body down onto the chair placed strategically in the middle of the room. It reminded him of a dilapidated interrogation room. But with more toys, for him to play with. Not that he needed them, they were just there for intimidation purposes. Fire was his preferred weapon of persuasion. And everyone breaks at one point with enough pain as the catalyst.

Next, Dabi cuffed her hands behind her back and tied a thick black blindfold to cover her eyes. Satisfied with his work, the man casually leaned up against the wall with his turquoise gaze trained on her. She looked pathetic and helpless like that. Dabi was almost tempted to duck tape her mouth shut to complete the look. A smirk spread across his scarred mouth. Maybe later he thought to himself.

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