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As I was talking to Lorenzo I couldn't help but just stare at Mia. Wow she was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. After I kissed her hand earlier I wanted more.
The spark I felt ignited my feelings and right there and then even though I didn't know her to well I could of easily taken her in my arms and kissed every last inch of skin on her body.
" I see Alessandro that your mafia has power. So how about we make a deal"
" Lorenzo don't get ahead of yourself. Nobody is going to be making deals with me tonight."
I looked up at Lorenzo to see anger on his face. I then looked at Mia to see her grimace.
He had his fingers pressed against her skin. I looked up to see mias eyes find mine and she looked sad. He was hurting her. It was as if every bone of my body wanted to protect her. I felt like I needed to. I felt drawn to her.
I cleared my throat hoping he would let go but he didn't.
I stepped forwards until I was right in front of him.
I whispered into his ear coldly.  " if you don't take your hand of her right now, I will strangle you until your very last breath. Oh but I wouldn't let you die yet. I'd take you back to my gang and everyone would have a go at torturing you. Then I would finish you off. " i looked him straight in the eyes and I saw fear. Hahahaha what kind of man does he call himself.
He instantly let go of her arm and I could see some bruises and nail marks on her arm. Rage built up inside of me but I wasn't going to let it get the better of me.
I walked off leaving Lorenzo standing stunned and Mia trying to hide her smile.
" keep an eye on her for me " I said to one of the guards whom nodded his head back at me.
I walked over to the bar to get myself another whiskey.
As I swallowed the liquid, I felt the familiar burn down my throat that I loved. It made you feel alive. I was pulled out of my thought when someone called my name.
" Alessandro. " I turned around to see Leo.
Leo was my best mate. He was second in command in my mafia. The only man for the job.
" how are you enjoying the ball Leo. "
" ahhhh I'm loving it. There is this fit girl too that I can't keep my eyes off "
" who?"
" she's wearing a black dress and she had brown wavy hair. "
Mia. I recognised her dress. She was definitely wanted by all the men in here wether they were married or not.
" no"
" what do you mean no she's gorgeous "
I slammed my whiskey glass down onto the bar making the bartender jump.
" she's mine "
" Alessandro, you can't just claim her "
" oh I can. She is meant for me I know it. Nobody had ever made me feel like she does before. "
" sounds like someone's falling "
" don't get ahead of yourself I don't fall for girls. They fall for me" as I said this I felt like it partly wasn't true. There was something different about Mia . Something I have never felt before with other girls.
" ah boss, we have a problem"  my security guards walked over looking serious.
" what" I snapped angrily as I kept getting interrupted.
" the girl she's gone. "
I instantly stood up sending my bar stool to the floor with a bang.
" a man took her out the back door"
I picked up my glass and smashed it over one of their heads. I ran off as fast as I could to the back door.
I slammed it open and outside was Mia and Lorenzo. Lorenzo was staggered over Mia who was on the floor on her knees. He was punching her face and screaming.
He then kicked her in the stomach.
All I could see was red. I wanted to kill.
I yanked him off her and chucked him across the ground. I then walked back over to him and punched him in the face, sending his head flying back onto the floor. I grabbed his top.
" what did I tell you. Do not touch her "
I let go of his top and walked over to Mia. Suddenly my mood changed when I saw her. All I could think of was trying to help her and checking she was okay.
"Mia are you okay " I asked as I crouched down and put my hand on her shoulder. It was like I had been zapped by electricity.
She didn't reply.
I supported her head as I checked for a pulse. She had a pulse so she has just of blacked out.
I lifted her up bridal style and walked back through the ball. People were staring. Many women were glaring at her. I ignored the looks and walked straight to the front of the hall. I clicked my fingers and the limos doors were being opened by the guards. The driver got in the front.
I ever so carefully put Mia down across the seat. I then climbed in myself. Once I was in I rested her head on my lap and stoked her hair.
I took this as a time to see if she had any cuts or any signs of injury. I could see on her face, she was starting to get bruising on her cheek. Her neck had red hand marks and all down her arms were bruises. They didn't look new though. The thought of that he might be hurting her scared me. Nobody laid a finger on people I liked.
After we had been in the limo for around five minutes. Mia began to stir on my lap.
She looked terrified. She still had her eyes shut but it looked like she were dreaming.
" shhhh" I whispered as i stroked her hair and put some loose strands of hair behind her ears. She seemed to calm back down for a little hike until she woke up. She grabbed my upper thigh as she was confused to were she was. I had to try my hardest to concentrate on her rather than what her hand was doing to me. She looked at me and saw she was lying on me.
" oh sorry " she said as she sat up.
" ah Mia it's okay. "
" what happened. Where am I "
" your safe. "
" I remember now"
" if you don't mind me asking what are the marks from on your arm "
she instantly looked down at her arms and tried to cover them up.
I stroked her arm
" you don't need to hide it from me princess"
She blushed but still didn't remove her hand or say anything.
" it's okay Mia . Your safe with me. "
She looked down at the floor as she slowly moved her hand from her arm revealing the cuts and bruises I saw earlier.
" does he hurt you " I asked. You could tell I was angry.
She didn't answer she only down at the floor.
" Mia I need to know "
" yes " she replied, with a sigh. She looked at me and I could see the tears in her eyes.
They started to roll down her cheeks.
I used my thumb to wipe them away as I smiled at her.
" it's okay. He can't hurt you anymore"
With that she then smiled at me and rested her head against the window. For the rest of the journey she was quiet as she had fallen asleep. I couldn't take my eyes off her. I felt like if I did she would get hurt and I didn't want that.

We pulled up at my house and Mia was still asleep. I didn't want to wake her so I carried her in bridal style again. I layer her down in one of the spare rooms and tucked her in. I kissed the top of her head.
I could stand there all day and watch her but I knew that was weird.
I made myself walk out into my room. I sat down onto my bed.
She was making me go soft. I was never like this. I killed people. Yet when I'm with her she makes all pain and evil go away.

End of chapter!

Alessandro Where stories live. Discover now