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As I walked off the plane I felt was as if I was a prisoner in my own body.
Romeo put his arm around my back as we walked down the plane steps. I instantly tried to shake him off however I only got " don't even think about it " whispered in my ear. He smiled sickly at all the aeroplane staff while treating me like this.
At the bottom of the plane was a black limousine awaiting us.
" follow me " he said to me as he picked up my hand and led me into the back with him.
The driver drove away leaving any hope of getting back home behind us.
" Mia" Romeo shouted my name. He looked annoyed, as if he had been shouting my name a few times. I was in a daze. It felt like my body and brain belonged to separate people. I was numb. I couldn't feel a single thing.
I turned to Romeo to see what he wanted.
" well, my men were telling me how you went to the clinic" he said with a smile.
He leant forward and prodded my stomach hard. Instantly making me cup my hands around it protectively.
" now soon, this will be gone " he said as he was talking about my bump.
" I don't like seeing it. " he told me with a stern face.
" shut the fuck up. " I told him angrily. I had enough of holding my tongue.
As soon as I said it, I knew it was a mistake.
He leaned forward and placed his hand on my knee.
" don't repeat those words ever again to me princess" he whispered in my face.
However I did have the balls to remove his hand from my knee. He was not happy about this either however he didn't say anything.
For the rest of the journey I started out the window hoping that somehow I could get out of this.

The meeting went so slowly. All I could think about was Mia at home waiting for me. As soon as it was over I raced back home and rushed up the stairs expecting to see her in the bedroom.
" baby" I shouted hoping to find her .
I walked over to the bed to see all her stuff gone. Panic flared through my veins. Why would she leave ? Has she left ? Has she gone into labour ? Is she upset?
I took my phone out of my pocket and dialled her number as I paced around the room. She didn't pick up. With every ring that went by, my worry grew. I phoned her 20 times but each time there was no answer.
" Leo" I shouted as I rushed down the stairs trying to find him. He appeared in the hallway with worry plastered on his face.
" what's wrong ?" Leo asked
" Mia. She's gone. "
" Alessandro she can't be gone"
" her stuff is all gone. Leo what happens if she's gone into labour? "
" I'm sure she would of called" he tries to reassure me
" What if she has been taken or she's just fed up with me " I asked defeated as I slumped to the floor .
" Alessandro, take a breath and calm down. We will find her. You just need to take a second before we do anything. "
I tried to listen to what he said but I couldn't. Anger filled my body at the thought of someone having my girl.
I stood up and throw the vase across the room along with other objects. They all smashed into tiny shards.
" ALESSANDRO " Leo shouted
He managed to get my attention.
" calm down. We will find her. " he told me calmly as he put both of his hands on my shoulder and sat me down on the floor.
I put my head in my hands as I tried to think where she could be.

I was dropped off at a house and Romeo showed me around. He said that this is my new home and showed me to my bedroom. He left as he said he had a business meeting to do however he will be back in an hour.
As I was sat on my bed the tears carried on streaming down my face. My vision clouded with so many feelings and thoughts.
Pulling me out of my thoughts, my phone began to ring. I turned it over to see alessandro's name across the stream. I couldn't pick up. Every bone in my body wanted me to reach for it and press accept however Romeo made it crystal clear that I wasn't allowed any contact with anyone. He said if I did, he'd hurt everyone and make me watch. He'd hurt Alessandro in many ways. He would take the mafia from him and then kill him the most painful way possible.
I couldn't do that. I couldn't be the reason somebody dies.

Romeo also had men guarding the house inside and out watching me.

I left my phone on the bed as the ringing stopped. Just as I was about to sigh in relief it started to ring again. And again. And again. And again. And again. On the tenth ring, I couldn't take it any more. I threw the phone across the room, making it hit the wall. I curled up in a ball and cried. The ringing continued and it was like torture. He wanted me. He needed me. I needed him. I wanted him. But I couldn't have him.

Finally peace. The phone had stopped around twenty minutes ago however I couldn't bring myself to look at it or get up. I stayed like that curled up in a ball, hoping the pain would fade even if it was just for a minute.
An hour later, Romeo walked into my room.
" Mia" he said to me. He sounded slightly annoyed. I was still curled up in a ball on my bed. I slowly poked my head out. My cheeks were tear stained and my hair was a complete mess. I looked awful.
" Alessandro called me, asking if I know where you are. I just told him that I'm away on business and I haven't seen you since the family dinner. Do not even think about ringing him. Do not answer your phone. And do not run away. " he told me as he walked towards me and rested his hand on my shoulder.
" you need to adjust to life here now. " he told me as he patted my shoulder and left the room.
Whenever his hand made contact with my skin it chilled me to the bone. It was as if I could feel the cruelty seeping through his blood and it was as if he was trying to pass it on to me. Even though Alessandro Is still in the same line of work, he didn't feel like that. When I touched him I felt things I've never felt. Feelings I never knew existed. Something so strong. Love.
The most heartbreaking thought of all was him not knowing. Him not knowing where I am. If I'm okay. Why I left.
I know he will have too many questions that nobody will know the answer to.
Just the reminder of him was enough to make me cry out. I would do anything for this man. I love this man. I love him. Yet it's been taken from me. Love can be evil.

End of chapter
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