Part One. The Start.

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Tetsuro was just minding his business and texting with Daishou. Sending goofy photos of himself being the idiot he was to get some laughing emojies back from Daishou. He smiled down at the device in his hand. Turning it off real quick when kenma walked in. He looked up at the blonde boy. Humming quietly. "You're back early?" he almost asked as he looked at the boy who was soaking wet. It was cute...

Kenma just simply rolled his eyes and placed his jacket on the hangers by the door. He made his way upstairs to take a warm shower. Giving kuroo more time to text with Daishou. Yes. So what if he was in a relationship with kenma. Kenma did the same. Openly. Speaking to Shoyo more than he did to kuroo. Kuroo could just watch as kenma would smile at Shoyo. It filled him with sadness and he didn't know how much longer he could take all of this crap. But soon enough. (past part now)

Just before he could end all pain. Daishou had ran into kuroo. Soaking them both in warm coffee. Kuroo could only stare with his dead and dull eyes as Daishou began to panic and rub over kuroo's clothes with a cloth. "I'm so sorry! I didn't see where I was going. Please forgive me." would the snake like male say to the rooster. Kuroo for once felt a little warm. Not because of the coffee that had spilled all over them. But because of seeing such beauty and honesty in one male. With one glance.

And as time would pass. Kuroo and Daishou's friendship grew. They both did have feelings for each other. And would often kiss. But they were just friends. So it didn't matter. It wasn't cheating? That's at least what they thought. (back to present time)

Kenma climbed out the shower and used a small sweat towel to pat his hair dry like he always would. His phone Rang. And there was Shoyo. Asking to spend the night. So of course without asking kuroo if it was fine. Kenma agreed to it. Leaving Shoyo as happy as he could ever be. Kuroo heard the entire conversation from upstairs. Since the house wasn't a very quiet and private place. He smiled a little. It did hurt him. But hey. He could just invite Daishou over....right?

Kuroo was debating on it silently for some time. Before he just sent Daishou a text. Asking him to come over. And just as the text was sent. It was received and seen.

Daishou✨ is typing...

Was what it read. Kuroo's heart was beating a little faster. His belly filled with butterflies as he waited anxiously for his response. Already creating fake scenarios in his mind of how Daishou calls him annoying or just says no. Instead Daishou's response made kuroo's phone make a small. Quick but loud Ding sound. Kuroo opened the text immediately and sighed in relief as he read 'sure why not?' from Daishou. It made him smile alot.

And just like that. They discussed a few things over text. Shoyo. Was already in kenmas room. The door shut. Kuroo knew they were kissing too. But didn't give a damn. Daishou was on his way and kuroo was excited. He couldn't sit still so he got out different candies and drinks for the all nighter they'd pull. He couldn't control his happiness so much that he started clapping his hands.

And just like that Daishou knocked once then opened the door. Walking in with a small smirk. "kitty~" he called out and hung his coat out as well. "I'm here to steal you." Kuroo couldn't wait anymore and ran to the front door. Practically jumping into his arms. "I missed you!!" he yelled in a whisper as he nuzzled his head into Daishou's neck.

Daishou caught kuroo and held him up. Rubbing his back. "missed ya too." he kissed the males cheek. More than once. Maybe five times after one another as he smiled. Kuroo of course blushing lightly with his bright smile.

Got bored lol, sorry guys this is the first time I actually publish a story I was proud of? And I just wanna thank my baby for helping me with being confident in writing this! Requests are allowed! And please tell me if there's something I should change or add to make the story better! Bye bye

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