Wow. Boy,was I not expecting to hear that when I came home. I have wanted to ask Jules for a kid for a while now. I just wasn't sure if she was ready. Gosh. we are gonna be parents. Wow. I'm still trying to comprehend it. My baby is pregnant. I can't contain my happiness.
"Morning Angel " I whispered to the sleepy princess beside me. She rolled over and placed her head on my chest. "mmm...i'm tireddd" she said faintly. I kissed her forehead. "Thats alright banannie, ill be beside you " i said to her while tucking a strand ot hair behind her ear. She cuddled close to me until she jumped up. "Babe. Whats wrong? Are you okay?" She sat on the edge of the bed. I rubbed her back to confort her. " Im fine. Just nauseous. I'll be back" She ran to the bathroom with her hand over her mouth. I couldn't help but feel bad. I did this to her. I ran in after her. She was at the toilet crying. " Baby. Im sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel miserable" I said as I grabbed her hair from the side. " No. Its okay. I- It's just,my mum and brother are gonna kill me... " So were mine. " Annie- look at me" I turned her head with my fingers until her eyes met mine. " -you have many other nice people in your life who love you and support you no matter what. I know Will. He just wants to see you happy and if you're happy that is all that matters." She gave me a grin. " Thank you " She said as buried herself into my shoulder. My hand was on the back of her head. I tried to calm her down. " You okay now?" i asked her. " I think so" She pulled away. She let out a small chuckle. "Uhuh...I got a little snot on your shirt" I looked at my shoulder. I laughed. " Meh. A little snot won't hurt. Now, come on let's go do something fun." I said. " Sure, sounds good. That is if this thing inside me will stop making me barf every 20 minutes." I smiled. " Can I?" i asked pointing at her stomach. " Why not. " She lifted up her shirt. I get closer to her and I leaned close to her belly. " Hi baby. It's your daddy. Do me a favour and stop pestering your mum please. Oh. Whats that? You will. Thank you. I love you so much already." I pulled her shirt back down. " You know, you really are perfect" Annie said trying toget up. I grabbed her hand and helped her. " Yehhh. I knowwww.'' I replied sarcastically with my hands on her waist. She had her arms around my neck. " I love you Asher. You don't understand how much I love you right now." I smiled and pecked her lips. " I love you too baby"
Annies POV
Okay. I know ive only been pregnant for like 4 days but being pregnant sucks. ONE. I can't stop barfing. TWO. I have insane virtigo. THREE. I'm fat. Okay maybe i'm over exaggerating. I'm not fat. YET. The only good thing abat it is that I get a lifetime of happiness out of it. I'm willing to go through pain for that. A tiny tiny piece of me hates Asher for doing this to me but none of us meant for this to happen. How could I hate him. Hes just- I dont even know how to describe him. He's just too perfect.
I headed downstairs to Asher. I sat on his knee. "Asher, how should we tell the others. Jayden and Hayley already know but noone else does. Any ideas?" He was lost in thought " Well... how about we invite everyone over tonight but they won't suspect a thing until we announce it. It will just be a normal party. " Hmm. That was great. " like I said. Your amazing." I pecked his lips and went to send the details.
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