Pay With Lovin'

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Pay With Lovin'

Alois stared at the TV, cuddling on the couch with his boyfriend, Ciel Phantomhive. They were currently enjoying a rare lazy day, spending it by re-watching their favorite anime, Ouran High School Host Club. Alois had just closed his eyes, about to take a nap, when suddenly he heard something: the growl of his stomach.

Ciel heard it too and smiled softly. "Hungry?"

"A little.." the blonde admitted sheepishly.

Ciel chuckled and sat up. "Well then, let's go somewhere. Where do you want to go?"

Alois didn't hesitate to reply. "McDonald's, but I'm paying. You already payed for lunch."

The bluenette nodded. "Alright, that's fair I suppose."

They both got up and put their coats on before stepping out into the chilly February air. They got into the car and drove to McDonald's, deciding to go inside once they saw the insanely long drive-thru line. Ciel got out of the driver's seat and went over to the passenger side, opening the door for Alois.

Alois rolled his eyes a little as he got out. "I'm not a girl, you know."

"Oh trust me, I know," Ciel replied, taking his hand and lacing their fingers together. He shot him a quick wink before leading him inside.

The two ordered their food, the cashier entering their order into the computer.

"And your total is.." She paused for a moment before looking up at Alois with a warm smile. "Give your boyfriend a kiss."

Alois' eyes widened slightly. "W-what?"

"That's what it says," she said, still smiling.

Ciel remembered seeing the commercials on TV for this sort of thing. "It's a promotional thing that the company is doing through Valentine's Day, Alois. They choose random people to pay with an act of love instead of money." He smiled softly. "Now stop standing there with that adorable look of surprise on your face and kiss me."

Alois chuckled and wrapped his arms around Ciel's waist. "Alright then, if you insist." He leaned down slightly and pressed their lips together.

The kiss was short, as they were in public, but sweet. The cashier smiled and handed them their food.

Ciel and Alois got back into the car and headed toward home. Alois reached over and took Ciel's hand as they drove.

"I love you Ciel."

Ciel smiled, looking away from the road for a moment to kiss his cheek. "I love you too Alois."


God this is so shoooooort.

It's shorter than Ciel without his heels on...

But I thought this would be cute so there ya go.

Gracie out.

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