Suspect and proof

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Uraraka's POV

  I'm in deeeeep trouble. Shit. Mina's called Aizawa-Sensei to come down immediately. He looked at us, then at the two bodies. "Oh shit.. there goes two of my students... whoever did this is going to fucking pay.." I heard him mumble under his breath.

  He turned over to me, then to Mina. "So you saw Uraraka at the scene huh? I'll bring her out for questioning." He told Mina and brought me outside of the dorms.

  He led me to this building. The office building, I see. I've never been here though. He led me to a room. A police officer is here. Ah, I think this is like the 'police station' of UA where they question students..

  A cop asked me some questions and he took out his notepad.

  "Do you swear to tell the truth?"


  "Is it true that you killed Jirou Kyoka?"


  "Were there any other people in the scene of the crime besides Mina Ashido and Kaminari Denki?"

  "There was probably a killer."

  "Noted. Is it true that Kaminari Denki chose to uninstall life instead of being murdered?"


  "What was the weapon he used?"

  "Kitchen knife."

  "Is there any evidence that someone killed Jirou Kyoka and she did not uninstall life?"

   "There was a piece of tape on the floor.. it doesn't look like Sero's.. it was probably used to keep Jirou from screaming but I heard some muffled noises..."

   "I see. You may go now, we will try our best to look into the situation and capture the killer."

  Phew.. they let me go.. at least the cops did. The rest of the class probably would think I was acting. Holy fuck.. I don't like this at all.

  The whole class is going on a trip to USJ again this Tuesday. Aizawa-Sensei told us to get our partners. Though I'm not sure how I'll get one.. even Mineta's holding a bit of a grudge against me for killing Jirou which led to Mineta's only friend Kaminari to commit uninstall life.

Two days later

Iida's POV

  The whole class has been paired up. Ichigo with Uraraka, Tokoyami with Asui, Aoyama with Mineta, Koda with Sato, Mina with Sero, Todoroki with Momo, Ojiro with Toru and finally me with Shouji. Kirishima's dropped out, he didn't want to join and he said he was sick.

So I guess we're all going out again. After all that chaos.

  The class felt.. really empty without angry Bakugou, Jirou who's always chilling at the back, and idiotic Kaminari. And Kirishima's devastated that two of his best friends are gone. I am, too, but my pain measures nothing to his.

Kirishima's POV

  I feel.. upset. Best bro Bakugou isn't here.. stupid Kaminari isn't here.. I don't feel right without them. Next thing I know is someone else is going to take their own life.

  And that person is me.

  That day,

  I jumped down.

  I'm nothing without my bros.

  I know it isn't manly to just jump down,


  I couldn't help it.

   I'm back, Kamibro and Bakubro.

Uraraka's POV

  USJ.. I hope the League won't attack us again. It's always a pain having them on our tails.

So.. some training. Me and Ichigo on the landslide zone. Aizawa-Sensei told us to search for some dummies. It's easy for me; I can just float around and find victims. Easy for Ichigo too; his chain quirk can crush boulders out of the way.

3 dummies, we found. 4 in total. Last one. Ichigo's found it. Now we're done.

Midoriya's POV

   I'm starting to admire her a little.. wait what?!! I'm not supposed to feel like this..

Anyways I avoided her quite lots. Don't want that feeling from earlier to come running back again. So it's after the training. Boringggg... for some reason my body started to do what I didn't want it to, and it approached Pink Cheeks. Guess I'll have a little chat with her to get some information huh.

She said that she's in a fix. She's accused of murdering Earphones, and probably Angry Asshole as well. She's down and not that fortunate... I kinda feel bad..

Next day

Another day of ditching classes over. Weekends are just right around the corner. Pink Face invited me to the usual mall outing with the rest of the class which I had no option but to accept. Dammit..

I feel real bored now. Handjob said I should study; it's sort of for my well being and the fees at UA are expensive. So if I get some bonus knowledge it wouldn't hurt right?

But sorry, I'm not the type who studies. I don't like academics one bit. So do I~ Shironii I played with my pen and rested my face on my arm. This is boring.. I wanna kill someone again..

Next day

Uraraka's POV

Ichigo's following us to the mall again, yay! Momo's given us some money. How I wish I get enough bucks to give others too..

I put my hands into my sweater pockets and walked along with Ichigo. I've not really talked to Tsuyu lately, she doesn't talk to me anymore. More like, she ignores me. So I guess I shouldn't go bother her.. there goes my friendships..

  But something I'm concerned about is the fact that Ichigo doesn't mind.. guess he isn't the mean type.

Word Count

OwO this chapter's sorta boring..
I had no fun writing it either but stay tuned to the next one it'll be noice

Beeg lov fr yall

Signed Off,

『Killer's Number』A Villain Izuocha Fanfic AeWhere stories live. Discover now