Chapter One: Nightmare (Part One)

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Akira’s Point of View


I let out a soft whimper, replaying everything that Dean had just said. If I’m a demon, then what kind of demon am I? I think to myself.

“Dean?” I ask softly.

“Yeah?” He replies.

“If I’m a demon, what kind of demon am I exactly?”

“That’s what Sam and I are trying to figure that out. You haven’t shown any of your powers yet but you have been having dreams about what you are.”

“Okay, then why are you and this other guy in them?”

“Other guy? What are you talking about Akira?” Dean asks me, looking me straight in the eyes.

“There’s this guy, he kind of looks like my mom described my father I think…” I try remembering what the other guy looks like. Flashes of all of my dreams came rushing, and that’s all I see. I keep looking around, but all I see is the dreams, but then it stops at a certain one. One I hate the most.

The man had dirty blonde hair, and black eyes. His eyes seemed evil-like. The man steps forward, and brushes his hand across my cheek. He lets out a soft sigh, and then smiles softly.

“My daughter, you’ve grown so much since I last saw you. You were a baby then, before your mother pushed me away, taking you with her. Your mother told you that your father died when, really, your father was trying to get you back. I tried getting you back, sending demons to your mother’s house, to bring you back to where belong, with me!” The man explains to me, his eyes never leaving mine.

“W-who are you?” I ask softly, shaking a bit.

“Some people call me Satan, others call me the Devil or Lucifer, Avalon calls me brother, or Luci. But you on the other hand, you should be calling me Father.” He whispers in my ear, and then he kisses my cheek lightly.

“No, that’s not true! I’m not evil! I’m not a demon, you’re lying!” I shout at him, backing up.

“One of these days you will see, your true powers will show, and you will rule the world with me! One day, my daughter, you’ll see. And those friends of yours won’t be around to see yousucceed.” He growls at me.

I blink a few times, feeling tears falling down my cheeks. My body starts to shake, and I whimper.

“D-Dean I k-know what I a-am. I’m… I’m…” I try saying, but end up bursting into tears, Dean walks up to me, and hugs me rubbing my back.

“You don’t have to tell me-” He starts but I cut him off.

“Y-yes I do… I-I’m Lucifer’s d-daughter…” I say softly, and then I nuzzle my head into his neck; “I’m scared Dean…”

He continues rubbing my back, saying nothing. My breathing slows down, breathing in his cologne. Avalon walks in, and clears her throat. I move my head from Dean’s neck, and look up at my best friend. She saw that I’ve been crying, and I rarely cry.

“What happened?” Avalon demands; making Dean let me go, and turns around. She lets out a soft giggle.

“I found out what I am that’s all Avalon…” I say with a soft sigh.

I brush past Dean, and hug Avalon softly. I let go quickly because I was scared that I was going hurt her very badly. She gives me a confused look, and I brush past her, walking out of the room. I see Sam and sprint outside, and somehow make it into a dark alley. My powers came to me at once, and I was extremely scared.

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