Chapter Four: No Exit

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Mystery Point of View.

“Sir, Avalon has become a problem.” A demon tells me.

“Oh really?” I ask and he nods.

“She has come back from college with a Winchester.”

I wince at the last name; Avalon wasn’t ever the smart one of the two. She was reckless and annoying. To think she’s an archangel! One of my siblings to be exact! She’s the youngest one of us; Father kept her a secret from everyone. He sent her down to earth to protect her.

“What about my daughter?” I say through clenched teeth.

“She is in a relationship with Dean Winchester.” He answers and I growl.

“This was not supposed to happen!” I yell.

“We could use this to our advantage Sir.”

“You could be right, but right now my daughter needs to come home.” I say.

“Sir, what about archangel Avalon?” The demon asks.

“For now leave her be. Send two of our best demons to bring my daughter here.” I order.

He nods and scampers off. I smile, knowing my daughter will be coming home to me.

Avalon’s Point of View

I scream as Akira drags me to Sam and Dean.

“WILL YOU QUIT SCREAMING IN MY EAR AVA?” She shouts at me, and then stops in her tracks.

I kick her hard and sprint off. Suddenly, I am on the ground, but not because of Akira. It’s Sam. I moan at the feel of his body on mine. Then I hear a high-pitched scream and Akira sprints past us. Two creatures went after her. I shove Sam off me and take out my blade as I dash after them.

“Grab her legs. Her father wants her safe and sound in Hell.” One of the creatures said as Akira is trapped in an alleyway.

I tackle one and stab it with my blade. It dies with an explosion of orange light. I kill the other one too, getting the same result. Akira runs up to me in tears. I pull her to me tightly. She sobs into me, thinking she did something wrong. I pick her up bridal style and rush back to our lovers. Akira was shaking the whole time. I sing to her in Enochian. After the song was finished, she smiles softly at me. I smile back. She hugs me and whispers in my ear.

“Thank you… for everything Avalon.”

I nod, “We need to leave with Sam and Dean.” I tell her and she nods, knowing it’s the right thing to do.

We go straight into her house, and start packing. I finish packing early, so I go into Akira’s room. She's almost finished packing. I lie down on her bed and sigh. Akira finally finishes packing, and grabs two things that look the same on her dresser. I raise an eyebrow at her. It was two rose necklaces.

“I got these the day before you left.” She puts the dark red one on, and tosses me the other one. I caught it easily; the one I had was black.

“Why?” I ask.

“You’re like a sister to me… I felt I needed to do something nice for you.” Akira explains to me and I shake my head.

“You told me you hated me and to never come back.” I whisper.

“I was upset… I’m an idiot… you don’t have to forgive me Ava. But keep the necklace.” She mumbles, grabs her stuff and walks out of the room.

I put the necklace on and follow her out. She waits for me at the front door, so she could lock her house up. I kiss her cheek and skip out to Sam. She locks her door and walks over to Dean. I slide into the driver’s seat of the Impala. Sam gets in the passenger side with Dean and Akira in the back. The older of the two men looked quite angry as he does so. 

“I don’t like this.” Dean grumbles under his breath.

“Shut it Dean.” Sam says to his brother.

“Avalon can we go back to my hometown in Iowa? We might be safe there for now.” Akira asks me.

I nod and hit play on my iPod. I'm Not A Vampire by Falling in Reverse blasts through it. I nod along with the song. Akira and I start to sing along. Sam smiles as we belt out the lyrics. After that song, The Drug In Me Is You also by Falling in Reverse starts playing, and I just let Akira sing that one. I happily drive to Iowa. We stop after about three hours for food.

“We’re almost to my hometown!” Akira chants, eating her cookie dough blizzard. I smile and dip a fry into my Butterfinger blizzard. She flings a bit of her blizzard at Dean, and starts giggling. He groans and wipes it off his cheek.

“Oh c’mon Dean, have some fun…” She whines softly.

“He has fun killing demons.” Sam teases and Akira smirks.

“Yeah but he’s being so boring… so stiff.”

Suddenly, she takes out her phone and types something. My iPod beeps and says I had a text. I take it in my hand and read it. It was from Akira.

Do you remember Axle? It read and I shake my head. 

“Nope.” She shows me a picture of one of our old guy friends; she mouths, “That’s Axle.”

I let out a gasp of recognition, “Oh yeah.” I say and I get another text.

I'm trying to see if Dean would protect me when you're not around. Axle said he would help me.

I nod and pull into a motel for the night. We get two rooms, one for Akira and I, and another for Sam and Dean. As much as I wanted to sleep in Sam’s bed, I knew I would have one of my dreams so I couldn’t. Akira’s starting at a wall, and wasn’t smiling anymore. I go get Dean and stay with Sam.

“Avaya why did you shove me off you and go after Akira?” Sam asks.

“I think I have wings.” I blurt out and he raises an eyebrow.

“What happened when you went after Akira?” He questions, getting closer to me.

I shake my head and his hand goes to my back. The room fills with dark feathers. There were crimson ones too. Sam gasps. My wings wrap around my body tightly.

“Akira! Dean! I think you want to see this!” Sam shouts and I shove my mouth to his so they hear nothing.

Akira’s Point of View

Dean walks up to me, cupping my face with his hands. I hear Sam yell. I flinch and push Dean away. We run in and see a strange sight. Avalon had wings. Freaking wings. They were black and red. She was on top of Sam.

“A-Avalon…?” I stutter and she doesn’t answer, only continuing to kiss down Sam’s chest. I turn around and bury my head in Dean’s chest.

“Are those wings?” Dean asks and Sam nods. I start having a strange feeling.

“So she is…?” He continues.

“An Archangel.” I say into his chest.

“Oh my God.” Sam says.

I push Dean out of my way and run into our hotel room. I go into the bathroom and look into the mirror. My eyes were now black. I grit my teeth.

“My daughter, you look more beautiful in person.” A voice says.

“Father?” I ask.

“Of course! I came to bring you home!” My father says, now behind me and I nod 

He turns me towards him and smiles. Dean walks in and gasps. My father snaps his fingers and we are gone. I gasp and cling to my father.  

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