Chapter Eight: Wishful Thinking

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Lucifer’s Point of View.

“Oh really?”

“Yes, but right now we need to get rid of Dean.” I growl at my son.

He nods and disappears. I believe my son will do well. A groan is heard from my daughter’s sleeping form. She’s having a dream, so I go up to her and placed my hand on her forehead to see what she was dreaming about. She seemed to be dreaming about black haired children with bright green eyes and golden freckles. I stare at her in confusion as one runs up and calls her Mama. Then it all clicked. It was Akira and Dean’s children. They are beautiful. I could see one was evil though. 

Son, don’t kill dean, but bring him to Hell. I tell my son.

Yes Father. He replies

I remove my hand from my daughter’s forehead, and try to wake her up. 

“Ugh Ava I told you to let me sleep.” She whines, rolling over and I frown.

“Baby girl, its time to wake up, and Ava’s not around.” I say softly and she wakes immediately with a few whimpers.

I instantly pick her up, “Hey, its okay, I sent your brother to get Dean for you.”

She perks up, and demands, “Sam and Ava too?”

“Ava tried killing Dean… so your brother is saving Dean, and is giving Ava a taste of her own medicine.“ I lie to her. Ava can’t be here. My daughter will win this war, and be evil like me.

“She wouldn’t kill Dean. Dean doesn’t like Ava, but Sam loves her. If Sam dies she will kill herself, and her baby.” Akira says logically. Fuck I forgot how smart she is.

“Look, I need you here. Without Ava. It will just be you and Dean.” I almost start begging.

“But I need Ava. She balances me.”

“No you don’t. Your brother can fill her spot.”

“He’s a demon, not an angel.” She points out with a smirk.

“Akira. Enough. Avalon is not coming down to Hell. That’s final.” I say and start walking out of her room.

She huffs in defeat and I hear something break. I quickly turn around. Then laughter. Oh boy. I walk into the room, to see she had broken a vase and was playing with some bubbles. Okay then. There was blood running down her left arm. I gasp.

“You’re human love. You get hurt easily.” I explain

“So? I doubt I’ll have my powers back soon anyways.”

“You will. After Dean get’s here to be exact.” I assure.

“Promise daddy?”

“Yes sweetheart.” I reply truthfully

“Okay.” She mumbles, and then looks at her arm.

I put my hand on it and heal it. She hops up and hugs me. I happily hug her back.

“I love you daddy.”

“I love you too Kiki.” I answer

“Father, I’m back!” Ace shouts.

Akira shoves away from me and runs out to meet her lover and brother. I walk out to see Akira throwing her brother across the room.

“You killed Sam!” She screams. “Ava will kill herself! Go fix it!”

“FINE!” Ace yells and disappears again.

Dean was a mess, sobbing and covered in blood. He looked like Hell. Akira walks up to him and hugs him tightly. Avalon shows up and she looked dead. Sam was with her. Her wings were dripping bloody Grace. She was pale blue and looked like she was dying. The orange hair she usually has fluffy and bright was flat and dull. Her eyes are bloodshot and she coughs up some blood.

“We need to fix her.” Sam replies angrily.

“Daddy, I need my powers. Please!” My daughter begs.

I gladly give them to her. We can be a family here in Hell. She sprints up to Avalon, and heals her. Then she falls to floor bleeding badly. Avalon stands up, clutching her friend. She heals my daughter and she gasps as she is brought back to our world. I watch my daughter hug her friend.

“I thought I had lost you Kiry.” Ava teases.

“Ha. Ha. You’re welcome by the way.”

“Thanks sis. I missed you. I am so sorry about what I did.” She whispers, nuzzling my daughter

“Shhh, it’s okay.” Akira says stroking Ava’s hair. I smile at the two.

“You can all stay here if you’d like.” I say.

“Thanks Daddy!” My daughter giggles.

I smile wider. If it makes my little girl happy then I will do it.


“Yes Kiki?” I reply.

“When are we gonna start training?”

Avalon immediately perks up; Michael trained her to be a soldier in Heaven many millennia ago so she could help.

“Can I train her brother?” Avalon asks hopefully.

“Ace will train you. Won’t you Ace?”

“I’d like to yes, but Ava would probably train her better since she is a warrior.” Ace replies boredly.

“You may help me Ava.” I say.

“AWESOMESAUCE!” She whoops happily fluttering her wings 

Akira laughs, and then beams up at me.

“Can we start right now?” Ava demands, flying to Sam.

“Of course. Follow me.” I start walking, and my daughter hops onto my back. 

Everybody follows us to the training room and we get started. Ava against Akira. Avalon gets a head start, as her wings smack my daughter viciously. Akira cries out and there is a giggle from my sister. Akira creates a block of earth but my sister easily smashes it with her true voice. A high-pitched battle cry is heard from my sister. My daughter hits her hard with a violent wind accompanied with dirt. Avalon falls to the ground and immediately Akira is at her side. 

“Akira you just messed up.” Avalon growls and tackles her, using her training for hand-to-hand combat.

A strong punch hits my sister, but it doesn’t faze her. She hits Akira back, busting her nose and making crimson blood gush from it. Akira is thoroughly beaten as she taps her hand on the ground. Avalon immediately is healing her and helping my daughter up.

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