tryin smth new) dirty alphabet ft. green man

401 3 7

hewwo uwu

Been a while, hasn't it?

I swear I've been working.. not really. I e been taking a bit of a writing hiatus rn and just focusing on headcanons, and my schedule is got for writing fic, so uhh h

I wanted to make up for it, so I'm doing something for a character that I fucking hope someone else simps for please

I also got the insp from @BismarkOwO and their FNF x reader book, hi

Please leave rqs

Anyways let's do this shit, hope I don't die from flustering in the middle of this

A - Aftercare

after sex he'll usually kiss you really deep so he can savor you before you end up sleeping on top of him. he always falls asleep last. it's just a thing.

B - Body Part
(What's his favorite part of your body?)

he'll keep going on and on about how your whole body is perfect, but secretly (or not so,) it's your boobs. it's the softness that gets him.

C - Cum
(Describe the white pee.)

he cums a fair amount, though there's not much to say about it. it's what you'd expect.

D - Dirty Secret

let's be honest; it's you. he feels like if anyone knew he had a s/o at like, 59 that looks the way you do, he'd be fucked.

E - Experience
(Virgin or nah?)

absolutely not. he knows how to please a woman.

F - Favorite Position

when he's on top, which is 90% percent of the time, he prefers missionary since he likes making eye contact (or at least looking at you) during sex. he does bottom sometimes to make it seem fair, but he doesn't have a preference for that. he thinks if he did it'd make him look stupid.

G - Goofy
(Do they joke during sex?)

not often. if he feels you're particularly down, he'll make a few jokes, but other than that most of his comments are there to belittle you. consensually.

H - Hair


I - Intimacy

oh, let me tell you, he is VERY intimate. takin his sweet time doing pretty much anything until you beg for it, a stupidly sadistic smile on his face throughout pretty much all of it. he loves playing with you like that.

(hold on. i can't. need a breather.)

J - J A C K O F F
( D O T H E Y ?)

only when he's sure you aren't home, though somewhat often. he fucking lives for your touch. little green simp baby.

K - Kinks

begging/orgasm denial, handcuffing/bondage ('specially when you're chained to a wall, he likey,) slave/master or sub/dom scenarios, and he likes being called daddy.

the last one has nothing to do with Carrie. you can rest easy.

L - Location
(Where do you do it?)

usually in your bedroom, though sometimes he'll ask you on the phone before you get out of work if you two can do it as soon as you get home. it's a stress reliever for him.

M - Motivation
(What keeps him going?)

the faces and sounds you make. he's a sadist at heart, he can't help himself.


he doesn't like seeing you talk to other men, at least the ones he hasn't met anyways. the ones he knows know not to fuck with him.

O - Oral
(Give or receive?)

He prefers giving it to you. He likes feeling your body shake and quiver for him, and he just likes eating cooch okay

P - Pace

he'll start out slow, then build his way up. be warned, the farther up you go, the more feral he gets.

Q - Quickies
(Yay or nay?)

nay. unless you're both in a fire situation, he's going to take as long as he likes.

R - Risky
(How risky is he?)

as risky as you want him to be.

S - Stamina

he can go for 3 rounds, but he brags that at one point he could do 8 and still keep going. highly exaggerated, ask anna. It was 6.

T - Toys

not his favorite thing, but buttplugs have intrigued him.

U - Unfairness

he can be very unfair, but he knows you like it that way. he can deny something as simple as rubbing your thigh if you say the wrong thing. it takes a lot of begging to finally convince him.

(almost done!)

V - Volume

he isn't too loud, but he is a screamer when it comes to orgasms.

W - Wildness

he can get pretty wild towards the end, though he still won't forget to pull out and make you beg for his seed. thats the one thing you can count on.

X - X-Ray
(What's down there?)

eight and a half inches. he just got lucky like that.

Y - Yearning

marvin is one touch starved old fuck, lemme tell you that much. there's only one real staple in his relationships, and that's that you do it with him every night or so.

and, finally, Z - zzzzzzzzz ( it's sleep ok)

like i said before, he sleeps last, but you wake up first. he drools. ew.

Words: 849

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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