(paul x reader) platonic vibes

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sorry if it's kinda c r u s t y; I'm typing this on a phone, I was kinda neverous bc this is my first piece I'm publishing on the interwebs, and I didn't really feel too confident abt this piece,,,

I also had no idea what to do either, but it's not anyone's fault. I'm just uncreative uwu

(Also, I feel I didn't make this clear, so I'm gonna say it here; (Y\N) and Paul live in the same apartment, it's just that (Y\N) lives on the second floor.)


(Y/N) twirled in their office chair, pushing it back into their bed and they scrolled through their phone. Today was an average day for them; doing nothing, except on special occasions.

It was getting a little boring, to be honest.

Trying to add something of relavance to their otherwise lackluster day, they threw their phone onto their bed and got up to make a ham sandwich.

By the time they'd opened the door, however, (Y/N)'s ringtone began to blare, muffled by their comforter. They walked back over to the phone.

It was from their good friend Paul. They picked up the phone again and hit accept.

"-Fuck." Paul cursed as (Y\N) joined the call. "Shit, uh... Hi (Y\N)."

"Hi, Paul." (Y\N) said, their voice quiet from not talking for so long. They cleared their throat. "What's up?"

"Nothing, I was just going through my contacts and... Accidentally called you."

"That's fine. I could hang up if you want."

"No, actually, since we're here, do you want to...uh...do something?"

"Sure! What do you want to do?"

"I don't fucking know... Sit?"

"Yeah...okay...but where?"

"Uh...how about that bench. The one next to the entrance? The one to the apartment building."

"Okay, sounds good. I'll meet you there."

"Alright, I'll see you there. Bye."

"Bye, Paul."


When (Y\N) got out there, Paul was already sitting at the bench, looking down at the pavement and bouncing his leg, his arms and golden beige hair bouncing with it. It was most likely because he lived 2 floors before them.

"Hi, Paul." (Y\N) chirped.

Paul, somewhat disturbed by the interrupted silence, turned his head up to (Y\N)'s direction to see them standing in front of the glass doors.

"Oh. Hi, (Y\N)." He followed.

(Y\N) walked over to the bench and sat down next to him, turning to face him. They observed him for a bit, before opening their mouth to speak.

"You seem a bit stressed. Are you okay..?" They questioned.

"Yeah, I guess I'm fine. I just wanted to show you something."

Paul pulled out his phone and entered his password, with it opening up to the Contacts app instantly. He scrolled down to look for a certain number before typing it into the search query on top of the screen.  The number then popped up multiple times, one for each day of the week and so forth. He scrolled down to the very bottom, which took a few seconds.

"For a while now... This spam number's been calling me. Daily. I don't know what to do about it."

(Y\N) looked at his phone screen and thought for a bit.

"What if it has something to do with Petscop?"

Petscop was this game one of Paul's friends had given to him a while ago. (Y\N) was the one who had gotten him to check it out in the first place; they were really into lost media.

Ever since he'd started playing it, though, things had been happening to him. Things that he wouldn't talk about. Things that left him unable to contact (Y\N) or anyone for hours at a time. The both of them never liked bringing it up much, so to hear the words come out if (Y\N)'s mouth was kind of surprising for them.

"Exactly. That's why I haven't called them. I'm fucking scared, (Y\N). That's why I haven't done anything without input."

(Y\N) stared at the phone screen again.

"Text them later. It might not have anything to do with Petscop, but still. Someone might recognize your voice if you call. That's why it's safer to text. And if it does, then block the number."

"...Okay. I'll be sure to do that."

The two sat next to each other in the sinking sun for a couple of minutes. (Y\N) turned around and whipped out their phone, trying to lighten the mood.

Paul's phone got a ping, and he read the notif. It was a text from (Y\N) containing nothing but a YouTube link.

He clicked it.

After the video played, he sat there in silence before turning to (Y\N). They had a smug smirk on their face.

"...What the hell did you just send me?"

"A funny video."

"Wh- But- You're stupid."

"I know."


Once again, im sorry if it was crusty and rushed, I just,,, y know,,, lemme know if I liked it.

Word count: 851 (including my ramblings)

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