31. Coaxing an Admission

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P.S--- #244 on Teen Fiction!!!!! Arrghhhhh!!! Nobody wake me!!!

P.P.S- 3K votes overall!!! :D


[ edited 11 Dec 2015 ]

For the next week, everything between me and Dylan seemed to slowly consist more of niceness than hatred.

We'd gone running twice together and both times he'd outrun me whenever we decided to compete. Filming was coming along greatly and Declan was happier than ever. And yes, the feeling of pity I'd thought I had had continued. But the suspicion of it being pity had long since died.

I, Alex Hunt was feeling emotions for Dylan that didn't result in me needing a gun or a posh car to kill him. I liked him, in a crush type of way. And this needed to stop as soon as possible or I'll be another version of my mom. In love, used and then abandoned.

I couldn't handle that. In fact, I'm sure I wouldn't be able to take that.

So, I'd decided to limit our time together. And so far, it was coming along well since we had no scenes together today.

As soon as Declan let us out for lunch, I grabbed Tyler and rushed out the door.

"Alex, what are you doing?" He asked, confused as he followed me along like lamb to slaughter.

"Grabbing lunch. Let's go." I walked towards his car, an Aston Martin, and stood by the passenger seat. "Come on, O'Brien. I'm in desperate need of nutrition right now." And space from Dylan.

Tyler nodded slightly before unlocking the doors and getting in.

I followed suit and settled in, brimming with happiness and success.

But my happiness didn't last long as my phone rang.

Sexy 3

Where are you Hunt? Up for Korean?

I ignored him and turned off my phone.

"Avoiding my cousin now?" Tyler asked, a smirk on his face as he drove towards the nearest Italian restaurant.

"What? No!" I disagreed.

"I already saw the text Alex." He chuckled. "So, why are you?"

I pretended to be deaf.

"You like him, eh?" Tyler asked.

"What?" I exploded. "No! No, I don't!"

He laughed. "I know. Calm down, Alex. I was just kidding."

I blushed beet red. "Oh."

Tyler laughed again. "But you know it wouldn't be hard to believe."

"What do you mean?" I asked after minutes of trying to decipher his words.

"Dylan's got... this thing about him," he began as turned into the restaurant parking lot. "It's... it's something that just makes him irresistible."

"Fame, maybe?" I offered an explanation.

"Nah," Tyler parked the car then turned to me. "It's much more than that. He was eye-catching even  before he became famous. That's why he got her easily."

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